Keep Your New Year’s Resolution with the Good Habit App
Previously Published to TalentZoo’s Digital Pivot With New Year’s on the way, everyone is making resolutions to stop procrastinating or to stop biting their nails or to quit smoking. Truthfully, everyone is making some type of resolution, but not many will actually keep them. There are a few reasons for this. One reason may be that they didn’t practice before the New Year — when they knew they would backslide, giving up once the year begins due to discouragement. Another reason may be that they actually couldn’t handle the pressure. But, for the most part, people just plain forget. Habits come to us as second nature, so there is no way…
Robocast: Automating Social Like Never Before!
Previously Published to TalentZoo’s Digital Pivot Robocast launched a media player last April that allows users to “auto-browse social media links, including Twitter and Instagram Feeds, Searches, Hashtags and more.” Yesterday, Dec. 2, Robocast, Inc. released a major update to their Robocast Social player, continuing social play with just one click…and now a few new features. Robocast, Inc. has the power to shift “social” in the conference-room environment, before the press, and through the imagination of its users. In fact, this could be a new shift in brand promotion and social media releases. Robocast has the ability to play Twitter and Instagram posts paired with adjacent websites of interest. When clicking on a hashtag or…
Study Reveals How to Digitally Influence Consumer Behavior and Sales
Previously Published to Talent Zoo’s Digital Pivot According to a recent study at the University of Miami School of Business Administration, online shoppers are proving to be 80% more likely to choose more expensive products and services when accompanied by a video demonstration. If your brand hasn’t implemented video to your social media mix, you may potentially be missing out on a large market share. Interestingly enough, 79% more shoppers are most likely to choose products centered on entertainment and pleasure as opposed to functionality. They are even willing to pay a higher price for this. Could this be the correlation between video engagement and a product that entertains? “It is clear…
ECX Tactical: Its Own Portable Mobile Network
Previously Published to TalentZoo’s Digital Pivot Quortus has released ECX Tactical, a field-deployable communications unit that facilitates communications between public service personnel, military professionals, and first responders. It works by employing private 4G networks to combine all benefits of LTP and all-IP cellular features. Missions-critical communications can be carried out more effectively and under ideal security standards. Through high-mobility environments, users will be able to reach out to commanding officers and subordinates in a time of crisis when there is no other form of telecommunication available. It is also aligned with critical communications-oriented systems such as Tetra. According to the Quortus website, they have “partnered closely with systems integrators, prime…
Heirloom Registry Brings New Life to Family Histories with #NoMoreStuff
Previously Published to TalentZoo’s Digital Pivot A social campaign with the hashtag “NoMoreStuff” has taken off to introduce families to a new concept that will keep the bloodline flowing proud long after this holiday season. In an attempt to provide an alternative for holiday shoppers, Heirloom Registry has kicked off a fourth leg of a campaign that completely challenges Black Friday shoppers using the hashtag “WhiteFriday.” The goal is to pass along family spirit, as opposed to commercialized products with no meaning and that may even be returned the day after Christmas. This alternative encourages families to bond over family history on the “day after,” instead of rushing out into dangerous environments…