How and why Shorty Produkshins is shifting gears in 2016
As many of you must know, the face of SEO and Internet Marketing is rapidly changing. It’s been almost ten years since we completely evolved into a marketing company. True, we still made music clean up into 2010, but this was done through subsidiary, Shorty’s Playground, after splitting into two separate entities in 2007.
Shorty Produkshins has prided itself on keeping ahead of the competition by being early adopters and evolving our services to meet the needs of our growing audiences. We started as that tiny little studio, consisting of a computer and a closet, and delivered many phases to our most avid supporters. Many of you remember our plaza location and our studio suites. As time evolved and industries became saturated, we evolved. Shorty Produkshins has always given the audiences a “new era in royalty” through this constant growth.
In 2013, we celebrated 10 official years. Innovation and specialization came from the demand of our most prestigious clientele — those allowed to be named and those under NDA. We focused more on our abilities on “streaming,” graphic design, social branding, public relations and event marketing. We also continued to be one of the first to deliver mobile technologies to smaller brands — something we had been doing since around 2010.
Then, rules of event marketing changed.
We once packed audiences to the point they wrapped around blocks to get into our venues. We packed venues so full, people would leave just because there were too many people there. Mixtape release parties often found they didn’t have enough products to hand out to their audiences. We even contributed to many of our larger clientele in having the largest audiences they ever had in their annual events.
Soon, everyone started to adopt the same marketing plan. And, those rules really apply any more. And, let’s face it, if the client has a smaller budget, there is a limit to what can be done in competing against venues with holographs, strippers and free drinks all night long. More focus went on Public Relations, Streaming Shows and Social Branding. Shorty Produkshins soared throughout the latter half of 2014 and on through 2015 by directing attention to where it was most effective!
Focused on the media, owner, Jessica N. Abraham began growing closer ties with many of the media platforms she worked for over the years. She began to realize that these media ties were great in supporting her public relations clientele. With over 16 years of expertise in social branding, this service was only going to be enhanced by combining services with those of the public relations sector. And, then… Shorty Produkshins would change forever!
While we have been engaging in content marketing since around 2001, many companies have realized how effective it actually is. They are beginning to realize the importance of owning a blog and regularly adding content to their websites. They are learning how impactful social shares can be. And, even Google has changed their algorithms to reflect this ideal. Because so many black hat operations have ruined innocent SEO initiative, Google’s new algorithms began focusing more on social impact and content than on anything else.
At Shorty Produkshins, we have already “been there, done that.” We have already done the “expert guest” thing, too. But, what of all of it coming full circle? As a content powerhouse, we are scaling our methods for our clientele in delivering Online and Offline promotions where they matter the most, making them an expert in their field and allowing them to monetize all platforms.
As IT companies are shifting towards all-in-one integrations that promote “productivity, collaboration and communication,” we are enhancing our internal productions, partnering more frequently and communicating to our audiences more. We are making them part of our endeavors. We aren’t just making them part of the conversation, we are making them the conversation. While we will still cater to clientele directly, we are shifting our focus to the community.
We have always dedicated ourselves to the underdog. We made it our mission to serve independent artists, brands and causes. We made it our mission to give audiences something to consume. But, everyone is doing that now. Why be like everyone else?
We have built clout (and Klout) over the years. You have been faithful to us, and we are grateful for that. We have come with a new plan of action in serving you… the everyday person. In 2016, we shift gears to the community. We shift gears to return the support. In order to continue creating opportunities for you, we must keep evolving us!
In the past, you may have noticed long periods of time that our websites weren’t even finished. This is because we focused on our client’s work, pushing our own work to the back burner. Over the last 13 years, we have been a mostly referral-based company. Our clients speak on our behalf, as they return for more. Our clients have even given us permanent positions within their own companies.
In supporting our past, our existing and our future clientele… in supporting our followers, our lurkers, our true fans… in supporting the customers of our clientele… and in supporting the community, it is time to focus on us… Our true mission.
If you ask Mrs. Abraham what makes her continue to do what she does with Shorty Produkshins, she will tell you that it is all the support and loyalty she has gained over the years. It is her hope to create a balance between genuine customer service, the people and humanity.
As society corrupts, she feels a duty in giving the people hope for change. As innovation explodes, she loves being the first to tell you (it’s probably the little kid in her)… As misinformation is spread, she wants to be sure people are educated. She wants to help a young generation succeed and small businesses stay open. She wants to see people reach their full potential and to be a helping hand.
With 2016, it’s not just a new beginning, it’s a chance for transformation… metamorphosis in branding social… And, we just want you to pay attention as we begin to unveil our plan of action over these next few months…. You will NOT be disappointed. Because, you are the reason for it all!