Tackling innovation, scalability and the new digital frontier, Jessica N. Abraham explores various technologies, including mobile apps, security mechanisms, IoT, WebRTC and so on.
Coke’s Star Marketer Jumps Ship for North America’s Largest Ad Agency
PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED TO TMC NET’S MAD MARKETER Moving from leadership in the beverage industry to America’s largest advertising firm, Wendy Clark will be leaving the position of President for Sparkling Brands and Strategic Marketing at Coca-Cola for the position of CEO at DDB North America. Clark has an impressive resume; she was behind the success of Coca-Cola’s Facebook presence – the largest for any brand in social media—and advised Hillary Clinton on her marketing and social media presence during a presidential campaign. The 44 year-old executive, who has spent the last 7 years at Coca-Cola, was personally targeted by Chuck Brymer, DDB Worldwide’s CEO. Brymer was CEO at Interbrand in…
App Annie Announces Mobile App Intelligence Made Better
PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED TO TMC NET’S MOBILITY TECH ZONE Recently, App Annie announced new benefits to operators and OEMs everywhere. As the largest mobile application intelligence platform, it has continuously delivered powerful market data and insights to users in the app economy. App Annie has announced an expansion of its Usage Intelligence product that will continue to offer business intelligence data to telecommunications operators and OEM professionals—device manufacturers are also included in this community. The product will launch to mobile app operations in over 60 countries and support both Android and iOS operating systems. Together, users will be able to better gauge the strength of strategic partnerships and how they convert…
TokBox and Fox Sports Huddle in Release of Interactive Broadcast Technology
Previously Published to TalentZoo’s Digital Pivot TokBox, an interactive video broadcast solution, is launching in connection with Fox Sports in a promising move that will redefine viewer engagement, potentially shifting the way traditional television is consumed. A subsidiary of Telefonica, this real-time communications platform is ready to unveil a move that will shatter our expectations for interactive broadcast events forever. Its partnership with Fox Sports will be lethal, as the two companies commence audience engagement during today’s Fox Sports Huddle, a weekly conversation on the nation’s college football. This launch will make history, enabling a true multi-party interaction with “flexibility for the website and application owners.” TokBox introduces Spotlight, opening doors for video…
Heirloom Registry Brings New Life to Family Histories with #NoMoreStuff
Previously Published to TalentZoo’s Digital Pivot A social campaign with the hashtag “NoMoreStuff” has taken off to introduce families to a new concept that will keep the bloodline flowing proud long after this holiday season. In an attempt to provide an alternative for holiday shoppers, Heirloom Registry has kicked off a fourth leg of a campaign that completely challenges Black Friday shoppers using the hashtag “WhiteFriday.” The goal is to pass along family spirit, as opposed to commercialized products with no meaning and that may even be returned the day after Christmas. This alternative encourages families to bond over family history on the “day after,” instead of rushing out into dangerous environments…
HeLi-on, The Goddess to Mobile Solar Technology
Previously Published to TalentZoo’s Digital Pivot We’ve all been there. We have a full day ahead of us, leading up to a night we have been looking forward to for a very long time. Some of us may even be on foot or taking public transportation. But by lunchtime, the worst possible thing that can happen happens. The phone beeps. It’s at 5%, and one of those important tasks we had was a telephone conference with a very big client. On top of that, we needed to get a ride home tonight and be prepared for the big event. No one memorizes phone numbers anymore, and we don’t know how…