Smart Shoes Kicking Jordan to the Curb and Doing the MoonWalk…Literally!
We have all heard of the Internet of Things (IoT), but what about the social media of things? In 2016, we will be seeing a shift in wearables that will bring us all closer together. We will also see a shift in how we connect with one another. Many product developers are finding ways to “reinvent the wheel,” and apparently shoe designers are no different.
MoonWalker, on the other hand, is not reinventing the wheel; they are changing the game. Launching an IndieGoGo Campaign, MoonWalker already has people talking about the new direction of wearables…social shoes that defy gravity will “kick” it all off! Ladies and gentlemen, Digital Pivot is pleased to introduce you to 20:16 – the shoe of the future! Can you tell that we’re totally stoked?
Let’s break this down. Please hold applause until the end of this article.
MoonWalker has figured out a way to defy gravity, using a magnetic force that simulates the feeling of walking on the moon. In fact, the engineering of these shoes has literally allowed the layers to hover over one another, ensuring the perfect moonwalk every step of the way!
True, we have heard of many products that are “space age” and “NASA-approved,” but what’s truly amazing about these shoes – whether they can delivery the “floating feeling” or not – is that they are really “smart” shoes. This doesn’t, however, mean that you won’t still be dancing with two left feet. You will be putting those Jordans away in a nice safe place.
Lightweight and water resistant, the only thing missing from these kicks would have to be the little wheels that pop out of the bottom. Then again, that would be quite difficult ushering in the future with your hoverboard in “toe.” Let’s get into the smart portion of these shoes.
Have you ever wanted to customize your kicks? Maybe you have spent extra revenue to have your shoes customized to include your company logo, name, or maybe favorite cartoon character, perhaps. Maybe you were a proud owner of Kashi Kicks before they sold to Nike. If so, you “gotta” get a pair of these.
You will be able to customize the sole. Version 2 will connect directly to social media via smartphone and allow users to be engaged in the social realm. Not only will they be able to tweet to their “soles” content, but they will be able to measure their daily activity in staying health conscious. Brands will be able to include their logo in-app to project awareness for their shoes.
As the health industry’s impact on mobile technology evolves, these shoes will more accurately keep wearers in shape and in control of their own personal destiny. Not only will the dynamic of the shoe keep users in comfort all day long, but they will also allow for increased proactivity. We’re curious if this will lead to any changes in the way athletes play basketball. Will the levitating technology allow them to jump higher? Will it allow them to tweet during an NBA game without getting fined?
These shoes will literally change the game. With 32 days left to their campaign, this company is already 36% to their goal of $20,000. The official release is said to be September 2016. That is only one month away from the release of LifePrint’s video photography. In April, Handscape releases their see-through tablet technology. Sleek, comfy and not just another smart watch…not just another gadget. We’re ready to give in. Here, MoonWalker, take all of my money! Just take it!