Tackling innovation, scalability and the new digital frontier, Jessica N. Abraham explores various technologies, including mobile apps, security mechanisms, IoT, WebRTC and so on.
Virtual Reality from Google: Headed to a K-12 Near You
PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED ON TMC NET’S REAL-TIME COMMUNICATIONS Google has partnered with Subaru to bring fifteen major cities a new, exciting and highly engaging technology to assist within the learning environment. Teachers will receive tablets for themselves and ASUS smartphones for students that will be converted into virtual reality devices via Google Cardboard, similar to nostalgic Mattel Viewmasters. Devices will be synched through a central router, which will also be included in the Google Expedition kit for future adoption. Google Expedition enables virtual field trips throughout internationally recognized locations around the world. A rapidly growing program to influence the core of our future consumers by immersing them in virtual reality technology,…
Sorry, Eavesdroppers: BlackBerry SecuSUITE Delivers Government-level Security to Mobile
PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED TO TMC NET’S CALL RECORDING As BlackBerry continues fulfilling pre-sales of a November 6 release of BlackBerry Priv, CrackBerry, the survivors’ guide to everything Blackberry, fills us in on BlackBerry’s SecuSUITE for Enterprise app. This app will be available later this week for BlackBerry 10, Android and iOS. This app is structured to allow VoIP technology to conduct secure, untapped conversations across the globe. This security is set at the maximum security level. BlackBerry, still considered a leader in the Enterprise and business ecosystem, is moving just one step further in reviving a brand so harshly abused during the rise of iPhone and Android devices. In its plan…
2015 Report Reaffirms Contact Center Business Model
PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED TO TMC NET’S CLOUD CONTACT CENTER Last week, The Sander’s Retail Insights report was released. It reinforced a lot of common sense assumptions, but it also gave us deeper insight on just how important customer service is and why. Through their report, “Click & Collect, Contactless and Customer Service: What We Learned From the Retail Insights Survey 2015,” Business 2 Community highlighted important points that can also be found in this Sanderson’s Retail Insights 2015. They remind us that, to remain competitive in today’s market, we have to must the customer experience memorable. This also may mean evolving our business for accommodation. In fact, Business 2 Community suggests…
For New Orleans 911 Dispatchers, Call Center Efficiency is Life or Death
PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED TO TMC NET’S CALL CENTER SERVICES Districts all over the United States have sections of their cities that are getting by with minimal coverage to their 911 operations – and, it’s costing lives. Fox 8 New Orleans reports that for one New Orleans dispatch center, City Council members have had enough. They feel their current staff of dispatchers is overworked, underpaid and not able to adequately provide emergency service to the citizens in specific districts. They are also proposing an amendment that would reallocate funding of between $1 million and $1.5 million to increase staffing and make call taking processes more efficient. “What I heard from the community…
Only One-Third of Businesses Have Adopted Cloud-Based, Unified Communications
PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED TO TMC NET According to XO Communications (News – Alert), “87 percent of decision makers reap higher-than-expected level of benefit from unified communications.” So, what does this mean? This means that when unified forms of communications are put into place, collaboration and productivity is enriched. Through unified communications, people are able to stay in constant contact with one another, ensuring faster, more efficient decision-making and with minimal error. The only problem is, 50 percent of respondents agree with one another when saying that most companies need to invest in better resources for users to adopt these concepts and the training that goes with getting the most out of unified…