Security Concerns Limit Cloud Technologies
Previously Published to TMC Net’s Cloud Security News Netwrix Corporation conducted a survey on cloud security, interviewing more than 600 IT professionals around the world. These professionals cater to various tech, healthcare, finance and government sectors of industry. IT professionals amongst other sectors were also surveyed, answering questions on cloud security as a whole, in addition to the “expectation from cloud providers and the measures being taken to ensure data security.” As convenient, efficient and cost-effective as cloud technology is, 13 percent of overall organizations reject the adoption of cloud technology in the future. Of those 30 percent , there are many professionals moved to reconsider this decision pending improvements…
GreatCall Acquires Lively, Inc. to Provide Golden Year Support
Previously Published to TMC Net’s Call Center Services Making technology easier for our elders, GreatCall creates technology for the active, giving them the freedom to continue living independent lifestyles. While implementing an award-winning approach to personalization, they have created multiple mobile technologies, such as the GreatCall Splash, Jitterbug5 and a plethora of health, safety and medical apps. They have now acquired a connected home health platform, catering to our aging generations. The acquisition of Lively, Inc. is a key milestone towards growth, evolution and the development of connected health options for its loyal consumer base. “As GreatCall looks at consolidating the fragmented active aging space, we see this acquisition as…
MeetingMogul Releases Enterprise App Targeting Traveling Professionals
PREVIOUSLY POSTED TO TMC NET/PHONE.COM’S VIRTUAL OFFICE Enhancing productivity through more efficient communications in the mobilized workforce model, an enterprise version of MeetingMogul adds features that also enrich the mobile conference experience. Folio3 Software, Inc., creator of MeetingMogul, has implemented new features specifically designed to cater to the needs of the traveling business professional and remote access teams that rely heavily on centralized mobile applications that allow for on-the-go collaboration and communication, across multidisciplinary units within the organization. Allowing enterprise executives to take control of conference calls and influentially lead teams into successful business execution, MeetingMogul gives remote teams the ability to remain unified in the workforce and flexible to…
Avaya and Plantronics Join Forces in the Name of Unified Communications
PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED TO TMC NET’S UNIFIED COMMUNICATIONS In an evolving tech world, contact centers are more powerful than basic call centers, because chatting, e-mailing and texting with a customer base is becoming more effective than traditional calling methods. By joining forces with Plantronics, Avaya will fill the growing need for simplification in contact centers and unified communications. According to CNN Money, this partnership kicks off with a focus on compatibility that allows communications professional to utilize Plantronics headsets through Chrome-based contact center applications and includes the Avaya Agent for Chrome, as well as the customer engagement on Avaya application on Google’s cloud-based platform, Drive. The International Customer Management Institute (ICMI)…
For New Orleans 911 Dispatchers, Call Center Efficiency is Life or Death
PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED TO TMC NET’S CALL CENTER SERVICES Districts all over the United States have sections of their cities that are getting by with minimal coverage to their 911 operations – and, it’s costing lives. Fox 8 New Orleans reports that for one New Orleans dispatch center, City Council members have had enough. They feel their current staff of dispatchers is overworked, underpaid and not able to adequately provide emergency service to the citizens in specific districts. They are also proposing an amendment that would reallocate funding of between $1 million and $1.5 million to increase staffing and make call taking processes more efficient. “What I heard from the community…