Jessica N. Abraham covers the topics of Business, Globalization, Management, Team Development, Marketing, Workforce Optimization and more!
$1 Million in scholarship opportunities given to intern and study abroad
PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED TO EXAMINER Who says it doesn’t “pay for kids to be social?” As a matter of fact, it does. It will even pay for foreign study abroad. Thanks to Panrimo, “a study abroad outfit that will be awarding more than $1 million in scholarships in three different ways,” students from around the United States will have the opportunity to take scholarship into educational institutions and be allowed to get hands on work experience overseas. According to a press statement made on January 6, 2014, the company has pledged to award more than $1 million in scholarships to college students and young professionals, alike, seeking to study or intern…
Resilience and DISC Personality Style
READ THE FULL ARTICLE ON DISCINSIGHTS BY PEOPLEKEYS The American Psychological Association labels psychological resilience as “the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or significant sources of stress — such as family and relationship problems, serious health problems or workplace and financial stressors.” Having resilience does not mean a person will not experience difficulty or stressful environments. It’s how well they deal with stress and pressure when confronted with sadness, fear, anxiety and any other negative emotion which could otherwise lead to trauma. Their ability to endure such conditions, deflect negative experiences and manage their reactions is what we would call psychological endurance. Think…
Successful Coaches Know How to Hire
READ MORE OF THIS ARTICLE ON DISCINSIGHTS BY PEOPLEKEYS Many coaches who feel confident providing business expertise in sales, strategic planning, and growth but are reluctant to venture into hiring, despite the impact hiring can make in each of these areas. Could DISC for Hiring be the missing piece of your puzzle for success? Effective hiring strategies can have an immediate and long-lasting impact on growth and productivity. Many DISC Certified Behavioral Consultants are tasked to manage the hiring process of their clients, or at least provide advice for the best fit (especially for top management positions). As you are probably quite aware by now, and from your training with…
How to become a recognized coach with your content
PUBLISHED TO DISCINSIGHTS BY PEOPLEKEYS If you build your brand, people will come for you to coach them. While we’re referencing the movie “Field of Dreams,” as a Certified Behavioral Coach you will need a strategy to help you gain momentum, credibility, and increased revenue in a field of your own and develop your coaching business to the level you want it to be. As we provide you with a brief insight on brand awareness, social branding, and public relations tactics, please envision yourself as a brand and compare these topics to what you are currently doing. Apply these strategies to your own business and watch your portfolio grow. Do…
Social Branding for Coaches
READ MORE OF THIS ARTICLE ON DISCINSIGHTS BY PEOPLEKEYS Many coaches get accredited in DISC Behavioral Analysis as a first step or as a part of their coaching training. Once they complete their training as a Certified Behavioral Consultant or as a Certified Behavioral Life Coach, one of the most often asked questions is how do I reach my potential clients. We, at PeopleKeys, are here to help while you’re expanding your coaching network. One of the first places you should start developing your brand is on social media, and here are a few points for you to consider. Social communication is not only an “I” job. While I-type personalities…