Elements of Internet Marketing: Fresh Content
PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED TO EXAMINER DISCLAIMER: Every once in a while, we cover “Elements of Internet Marketing” and why they are important for everyone to be aware or reminded of. Some of these topics are not new, but they are very important to consumers and service providers to repeatedly encounter and understand. Today’s “Element” is related to the topic of “Fresh Content.” Enjoy! Like produce, crackers, and bread over time, content can become stale and less able to do anything great for a brand, other than to stand in to fill space and act as a paper weight. Content is created for a purpose. And, true it is always great for…
Google implements NEW Category Search through Upgraded Google Images
PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED ON EXAMINER Face recognition, Goggles, and now… A NEW and improved Image Search by Google. If you’re constantly using the World’s Leading Search Engine, Google, you probably have noticed something different about Google Images in the last few days based upon your inputted search terms. Personally, my first experience with the new feature implemented by Google’s Image Search took place when trying to find graphics from an upcoming TV Series that hits Showtime on June 30. That show is Ray Donovan; and I was working on a graphic for Kwame Patterson (known for his role as “Monk” on The Wire), who appears on the series as Rapper/Producer, Re-Kon.…
A Marketer’s Nightmare: Content Block
PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED ON EXAMINER You’re in between projects. Now is the time to beef up your own Social Presences. You are so used to putting your own projects to the side while working on client material…most of which are your own ideas. But, when it comes to your own presence, your own content, your own projects… NOTHING. You try, you try, you try and still — you come up with nothing. Content block! It’s a Marketer’s Nightmare, and we all surely go through it! It’s like you work on these amazing projects for others. Many of which, we can’t show anyone due to Non-Disclosure Agreements, and we feel the need…
Search Engine Optimization… The Neverending Story
PREVIOUS PUBLISHED ON EXAMINER Search Engine Optimization is an ongoing effort… Point. Blank. Period. There are some experts out there speaking false information into the Business World on how it “doesn’t matter how high you rank in Google” and other search engines, most of your focus should be on actual marketing itself. Are they serious?! Those who know Internet Marketing like the back of their own hand know that SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is one of the most important elements of marketing. As a matter of fact, it is the reason that other forms of marketing even exist and continue to strive! Who says appearing on the first few pages,…
The Power of Viral takes front row in History!
PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED TO EXAMINER Photo taken from GiantMag.com under Fair Use Doctrine. Yesterday’s loss of the grandson of historical icon and leader, Malcolm X, has already become part of History, Controversy, Conspiracy, and even Viral Conversation throughout the Internet. Malcolm Shabazz, 28, was murdered Thursday, May 9, 2013, in Tijuana, Mexico. While “no one knows” who killed him or “why,” Shabazz felt it was coming and explained the process of assassination in which no one would care to ask questions. In an Online record that is currently circulating Facebook with a “RIP Malcolm” photo attached, he explained, in his own words, how he was constantly being harassed and forced to…