Oil-free Air In, Oil-free Air Out: Solving Problems in Compression and the Environment
The following post was written and/or published as a collaboration between Benzinga’s in-house sponsored content team and a financial partner of Benzinga. The Carnot® Compressor compresses air with water. This company is on a mission to revolutionize the compressor industry — doing away with oil, multiple moving parts and damage to components caused by the heat of compression. This patented process has the potential to significantly reduce energy use and total cost of ownership for compressors. Air is compressed isothermally, and the heat is absorbed during the compression process. Rapid isothermal compression has long been thought unachievable. The compressed air industry is ripe for new technologies. As the industry seeks…
Electrification of Heavy Industrial Equipment Is Already on the Horizon
Previously Published to Benzinga The following post was written and/or published as a collaboration between Benzinga’s in-house sponsored content team and a financial partner of Benzinga. Leading the next generation of commercial, industrial vehicles into greener pastures, Greenland Technologies Holding Corp. (NASDAQ: GTEC) has been working hand-in-hand with several market sectors as the pioneer driving change in the electrification of industries, traditionally dominated by heavy-emission internal-combustion systems. Greenland Technologies is a developer and manufacturer of drivetrain systems for materials handling, industrial machinery, electric vehicles (EVs) and electric industrial vehicles. The company prides itself on the fact that with every piece of heavy electric machinery sold, there is one less heavy emissions vehicle being…
Sustainability vs. Extractive Industries – Can They Co-Exist? This Company Thinks So
Previously Published to Benzinga: The following post was written and/or published as a collaboration between Benzinga’s in-house sponsored content team and a financial partner of Benzinga. Is it possible for mining methods and environmental sustainability to co-exist on a more intimate level? A Québec, Canada, battery materials company believes that with a higher set of standards and a stronger emphasis on accountability, it’s possible. It says that it is showing the world firsthand what it takes to be environmentally responsible by touching on the social component, the financial performance, and the long-term perspective — regardless of the stigma mining has earned to the contrary. The company states that it was…
Is Generation Hemp Now A Leader in Pure-Play Hemp Operations for the Industrial Sector?
Previously Published to Benzinga: The following post was written and/or published as a collaboration between Benzinga’s in-house sponsored content team and a financial partner of Benzinga. A leader in the “Industrial Evolution,” Generation Hemp, Inc. (OTCQB: GENH) is showing the world just what it means to be a pure-play business — especially when it comes to industrial hemp operations. Generation Hemp focuses solely on the practical and industrial use of hemp and its byproducts, ensuring no part of this “wonder plant” goes to waste. As the hemp industry continues to blossom, Generation Hemp moves ahead to serve and target within the midstream sector, vertically integrating along the supply chain through acquisitions of successful…
Worksport Makes the Impossible Possible: Green-Energy Microgrid Systems Power EV Trucking and Off-Grid Lifestyling
Previously Published to Benzinga and Yahoo! Finance: The following post was written and/or published as a collaboration between Benzinga’s in-house sponsored content team and a financial partner of Benzinga. On September 21, 2021, Worksport Ltd. (NASDAQ: WKSP) launches the first round of pre-orders where individual buyers and manufacturers can make a downpayment on the portable TerraVis™ solar power generation system. Bringing off-grid power to previously off-limit terrains, the highly anticipated TerraVis makes the impossible possible through its solar+battery tonneau truck cap. Founded in 2011, Worksport strives to make products better, simpler and more aesthetic. Since its conception, the company’s been designing and manufacturing tonneau (truck bed) covers for pickup trucks. As a fast-growing innovator in…