Jessica N. Abraham covers the topics of Business, Globalization, Management, Team Development, Marketing, Workforce Optimization and more!
Previously Published to Benzinga Money. Data science allows us to measure, track and assess those vulnerabilities while identifying gaps across our business infrastructure. Staying informed about the role of data science in business can help you understand your customers, make more informed decisions and seize new opportunities. Learn more about data science with our list of the 10 best data science blogs on the market. Table of Contents Best Overall: Udemy Udemy is known as the leading global marketplace for learning and instruction. Students are connected to instructors across the globe to learn and master new skills, pursuing their dreams 1 training course at a time. In addition to its…
Cincinnati Children’s develops new programs to improve child literacy | Addresses early concerns, provides intervention.
Funded by the Reading & Literacy Discovery Center, neonatologists, caring for babies in the NICU at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, conducted a study that would identify key risk factors, associated with reading difficulties some children face prior to elementary school. It is their claim that “literacy screening and interventions administered by a pediatrician can effectively help identify potential reading difficulties” and effectively improve early childhood development. The study, conducted between 2018 and 2019, was recently published in the Journal of Pediatrics. According to the study, “high-risk parents were five times more likely to read to their baby at home due to hospital intervention and that reading reduced any…
Celebrate D.E.A.R. Day 2021 with three new children’s books, written by local authors
Previously Published to News Break In celebration of Children’s Book Author, Beverly Cleary, April 12th marks National D.E.A.R. Day, otherwise known as “Drop Everything and Read,” encouraging families across the nation to drop everything and read together. According to Reading Rockets, a national public media literacy initiative offering information and resources on how young kids learn to read, why so many struggle, and how caring adults can help, National D.E.A.R. Day is a day “When kids can read and enjoy the books they want, just for the pleasure of reading and with no questions asked!” The day has its roots in reference to Beverly Cleary’s Ramona book series, where Ramona,…
Financial Transparency is Key to Any Relationship, Financial Infidelity Being the Ultimate Killer
Previously Published on News Break Whether running a tight ship or planning for a post-pandemic wedding of the century, couples are, for the most part, always coming up with new ways to manage their money. Despite an imminent fear of catching the coronavirus, a record number of professionals have become hyper-focused on advancing their careers — some on the brink of unemployment while others are possibly even losing their businesses due to shutdown and quarantine. “How did the pandemic change the way couples ‘do money’ together?” This was something Policygenius really wanted to know. The nation’s leading online insurance marketplace conducted a survey by polling more than 1,500 adults across…
Tech Leaders Make a Bold Statement, Predicts These Companies Will Undoubtedly Fail in Three Years or Less
Previously Published to News Break One year into the pandemic and our world is becoming the ultimate ghost town. We’re seeing a massive exodus from the West Coast, businesses closing doors, and workers being laid off in numbers from those that had never been laid off before. Tech says there’s an app for that but so many fail to listen! In an annual Kong survey, more than 400 senior technology decision-makers were polled across a broad range of US and European industries, the general consensus was that if businesses refused to modernize, they’d be next to be featured in the Smithsonian. According to the 2021 Digital Innovation Benchmark report, 51%…