IoT Connectivity Markets set to reach $8.9B by 2024

IoT, Internet of Things, Future Investments, WeBull, Robinhood, Stash, Wearables, AWS, Cloud, Connected Devices

PUBLISHED ON MEDIUM According to recent market research by MarketsandMarkets, IoT Connectivity Markets are set to reach more than $8.9B by the year 2024. Currently valued at an estimated $3.8B in 2019, the company has forecasted an 18.7% compound rate of annual growth (CAGR) with major factors set to increase the demand for connected devices over time. North American markets will take the reins, accounting for a majority of growth through 2024. North America is […]

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The First Smart Teddy Hits the Markets

IoT, Internet of Things, Tech News, Technology News, Technology, Digital Pivot, Digital Gadgetry, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Children, Kids, Family, Communication, Early Learning Development, Social Development, Deep Learning NEural Network, Education, Hu:toma, Interactive Companion, INteractivity, Language, Machine Learning, My Smart Teddy, My Smart Teddy Bear, Toy,

Previously Published to TalentZoo’s Digital Pivot Ted…Snuggles…Teddy Ruxpin…The Care Bears. We all fell in love with these popular teddies because they had minds of their own, they spoke to us, and they “wanted to be our friend.” While Ted’s fictional role in two movies allowed him to completely speak his mind and interact with humans as Snuggles did in laundry commercials, most of our other furry friends were one-way speakers and nothing more than a […]

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