Jessica N. Abraham covers the topics of Business, Globalization, Management, Team Development, Marketing, Workforce Optimization and more!
Lighter Side of DISC: Office Halloween Party
READ THE FULL ARTICLE ON DISCINSIGHTS BY PEOPLEKEYS Our group of eight characters, which you’re well familiar with from the Lighter Side of DISC videos, decided to throw a Halloween party. As you know, they already work together every day but wanted a reason to get together in a fun and entertaining way. Coincidentally, Dudley, Denise, Ida, Ian, Sally, Sam, Christine, and Charles are each one of the four DISC Personality Types. (In case you haven’t noticed, the first letter of their names matches their DISC style!) The party was nothing short of a success… so let’s see how each personality played into it. TO FIND OUT WHO DID WHAT…
Social Media Activity, Based on Personality Type
READ THE ENTIRE ARTICLE ON DISCINSIGHTS BY PEOPLEKEYS You’ve heard it time and time again (and, you’re going to continue hearing it) … “We’re all different. But, we’re all predictably different.” As true as this statement is to our walking life, why would it be any different when it comes to social media? We’re on social media, because everyone else is. But, not all of us are on there to communicate. While Grandma is busy giving “love” to all of her grandchildren, others are networking. Some are trying out new recipes, and others are busy looking at stats. So, who’s doing what and why from a personality point-of-view? Let’s take…
How newborns change your DISC personality
READ THE FULL ARTICLE ON DISCINSIGHTS BY PEOPLEKEYS Fall has finally arrived – and so have those babies we’ve had our watchful eyes on all year! There may not have been a baby boom, but it sure did feel like there was. Didn’t it? Your sister had a baby. Your neighbor had a baby. Your co-worker had a baby… even you and your wife had a baby! And diapers aren’t the only things about to change. Our personalities change through life experiences, and like our newborn family members, we tend to look at the world totally different. Things we thought were once important just seem to be trivial anymore. If…
Building resilient teams with DISC
READ THE FULL ARTICLE ON DISCINSIGHTS BY PEOPLEKEYS Is your team better at dealing with stressful situations as they are taking place? Or, they are better at “getting over it” once they’ve had time to “cool down?” Psychological resilience is one of the key strengths we should all learn during our lifetime. Let’s take a closer look at how stress affects a team’s resilience and ability to overcome obstacles. A candidate’s resilience strengths should be taken into consideration during any hiring process, especially when positioning new hires into immediate areas of concern and/or high-stressor environments. Team resilience development can also be applied when optimizing the existing workforce, replicating top performers…
DISC personality and teaching style
READ THE FULL ARTICLE ON DISCINSIGHTS BY PEOPLEKEYS Believe it or not, your personality not only dictates your behavior, but also the way you teach, the classroom environment you create, and even the results and motivation of your students. The more you understand who you are and the more you learn about behaviors in general, you will become a more “behaviorally intelligent” educator by applying DISC theory in your classroom environment and beyond. Have you ever had a student you just couldn’t seem connect with, no matter what you’ve tried? It may actually be a clash with your personality types, and you simply need to adjust your approach. Based on…