Examiner & Beyond!
A once prestigious source for news and entertainment, Jessica N. Abraham contributed to Examiner, prior to it’s closing in 2016. A top writer for the site, she contributed articles on Marketing, Social Media, Technology and Business. Find the archives here!
What’s the difference? Mobile Marketing VS Mobile Marketing
PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED ON EXAMINER Let’s play a game! What’s the difference between Mobile Marketing and Mobile Marketing? Hmmmmm…. waiting…… Okay, give up? There are SO MANY differences, I don’t blame you for being confused! Since Mobile Marketing is taking way in such a rapid pace, many businesses are getting left behind by the “early adopters” who are shifting and evolving their Marketing Plans. Mobile Marketing is the way to go in 2013 and 2014, because everyone, and I do mean everyone, has a mobile device and will access the Internet through a data connection in some fashion over time. Those who do not have a Mobile Marketing Plan better start…
Let’s Talk Quality: YOU are Responsible for YOUR Name!
PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED ON EXAMINER You know, there is a law that you should ALWAYS be responsible to uphold. As a Marketer, there will always be projects that come your way. Many of those projects will be more lucrative than others. But, what will you do with those offers? Do you accept them or not? As a Marketing Expert, it is your responsibility to act responsibly for your brand. As you recall from previous articles, your company and clients aren’t the only brands you should be worried about. YOU are a brand. As a matter of fact, YOU ARE what they call BrandYOU. In accepting gigs, please pay attention to the…
A Marketer’s Nightmare: Content Block
PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED ON EXAMINER You’re in between projects. Now is the time to beef up your own Social Presences. You are so used to putting your own projects to the side while working on client material…most of which are your own ideas. But, when it comes to your own presence, your own content, your own projects… NOTHING. You try, you try, you try and still — you come up with nothing. Content block! It’s a Marketer’s Nightmare, and we all surely go through it! It’s like you work on these amazing projects for others. Many of which, we can’t show anyone due to Non-Disclosure Agreements, and we feel the need…
#IDontLikeWhen: A Marketer’s Rant
PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED ON EXAMINER Now Trending: #iDontLikeWhen. Thanks, Twitter! I am now free to rant as a Marketing Professional and Columnist! Shoot, I may even spark up a little controversy! This sounds fun! If you have been involved with Marketing or any related industry, I’m sure you have heard this line before.“Oh, my cousin can do my Facebook for me…” They go on to say how easy it is to do, but are disappointed at the results and let it ruin their outlook on Marketing overall! One of the greatest pet peeves that many Internet Marketers face is amongst the people we target for business. As the greatest common denominator…