Pet-friendly Social Network, uraPET, to give away $100 Petco gift card
Bailey is the president of a “pet-friendly” Social Network, called uraPET. It seems his human is doing all the work, however, while Bailey just sits back and browses the Internet, commenting on the status updates and photos of “all his dogs…” and salivating over high-end doggy bags from his favorite “kibble” brands. Well, not really, but Ken Braun, his human, had a vision and carried it through.
While us humans were busy being conceited and bragging ourselves up on Facebook, Ken was busy “shaking hands” with new members of his uraPET Social Network for Pets!
“As any pet owner knows, all animals have unique personalities, which can provide for hours of entertainment,” says Ken Braun. “We got to thinking – what if pets could interact online, just like us humans do? While we know that’s not exactly possible, uraPET creates a fun, lighthearted environment in which we can see what life would really be like if dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, and reptiles could log on and communicate with each other.”
In March of 2013, Ken and Bailey, the English Cream Golden Retriever, teamed up to bring us a venue to show off our pets to those that really care. It’s a place where we can upload hundreds of photos of our pets and “everyone knows his name!”
This site is so pet-friendly that Bailey decided to throw a $100 Petco Giftcard Giveaway, in which all new members are automatically signed up to win!
The site itself is super user-friendly by mimicking many of the features we are already used to on those boring human networks where everyone whines about their life, as opposed to the whimpering to go outside and smell the fresh air. We can “like photos, statuses, and even howl at the craziness of our “best friends” who we can invite through Facebook Integration.
uraPET is all things “pet” and includes tips and tricks of caregiving, important information on health and nutrition, and even information about nearby shelters.
At uraPET, you’re able to give your pet “a hand” by updating his status, uploading his glamour shots and showing off his undeniable “puglife!” This is a new Social Network where the pets do all the talking, while you transcribe their thoughts. After all, no one understands him like you do, right? Go to uraPET today, put Facebook on “paws,” and sign up for a free profile to get started!
…And, don’t worry, you won’t have to sniff any butts to greet your fellow four-legged friend!