IoT Connectivity Markets set to reach $8.9B by 2024

IoT, Internet of Things, Future Investments, WeBull, Robinhood, Stash, Wearables, AWS, Cloud, Connected Devices

PUBLISHED ON MEDIUM According to recent market research by MarketsandMarkets, IoT Connectivity Markets are set to reach more than $8.9B by the year 2024. Currently valued at an estimated $3.8B in 2019, the company has forecasted an 18.7% compound rate of annual growth (CAGR) with major factors set to increase the demand for connected devices over time. North American markets will take the reins, accounting for a majority of growth through 2024. North America is […]

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ECX Tactical: Its Own Portable Mobile Network

Digital Gadgetry,Digital Pivot,ECX Tactica,lField Communications,LTPMilitary Communications,Octasic,Portable Mobile Network,Private 4G Network,Quortus,Radisys,Technology,Technology News, Field Technology, Military, Defense, Security, Convoy,

Previously Published to TalentZoo’s Digital Pivot Quortus has released ECX Tactical, a field-deployable communications unit that facilitates communications between public service personnel, military professionals, and first responders. It works by employing private 4G networks to combine all benefits of LTP and all-IP cellular features. Missions-critical communications can be carried out more effectively and under ideal security standards. Through high-mobility environments, users will be able to reach out to commanding officers and subordinates in a time […]

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Heirloom Registry Brings New Life to Family Histories with #NoMoreStuff

Ancestry,Black Friday,Digital Pivot,Families,Family,Geneology,Hashtag,Heirloom Registry,Houstory,Memories,White,Friday,Wills, Will & Testament, Will and Testament, Final Wishes,

Previously Published to TalentZoo’s Digital Pivot A social campaign with the hashtag “NoMoreStuff” has taken off to introduce families to a new concept that will keep the bloodline flowing proud long after this holiday season. In an attempt to provide an alternative for holiday shoppers, Heirloom Registry has kicked off a fourth leg of a campaign that completely challenges Black Friday shoppers using the hashtag “WhiteFriday.” The goal is to pass along family spirit, as opposed to […]

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