Tackling innovation, scalability and the new digital frontier, Jessica N. Abraham explores various technologies, including mobile apps, security mechanisms, IoT, WebRTC and so on.
See-through and dual sided swipe technology | Is this Apple’s big announcement?
There are many speculations as to what Apple will release next. As a matter of fact, the Internet has been going into overdrive, as “Tech Gurus” try to prophesize Apple’s big announcement set for tomorrow, September 9th at 10:00 AM PST. That’s 1:00 PM for all East Coast enthusiasts. There have been many blog posts and articles released that almost resemble pre-game commentary during the NFL playoffs. The suspense builds, as Apple drops teasers along the web, and most importantly, a site specifically designed for the live Apple event, with the message: “‘Hey Siri, give us a hint. Join us here on September 9 at 10 a.m. PDT to watch the…
Your Library Card: The New Multi-Pass for Entertainment and…Gaming?
Previously Published to Talent Zoo’s Digital Pivot If you haven’t visited a library in some-odd years, chances are you still think people are going to the library to study and read 800-page encyclopedias on some war we never heard about. Well, actually, you could be right, because learning is “fun-for-da-mental,” but you would also be wrong. Here’s why: Today, many people are heading to their local libraries as a center for tech access to the ever-evolving world. Whether your computer’s charger blew up for the umpteenth time and you’re waiting on the new one to arrive, or your toddler jumped on the bed, sending that expensive MacBook Pro flying into…
Spiraled and Pulled Back: ‘Manely’ Inspired by Uber
Previously published to Talent Zoo’s Digital Pivot. Inspired by Uber, Marcella Ellis, a Virginia business owner, has deployed a new “mane” attraction. Holding a firm grasp on her position in the hair care and distribution industry, she has been instituting new standards and making innovations that most salons will “dye” for. Literally. Top-notch salons pride themselves on being able to provide clientele with personalized experiences that require getting to know the client and their specialized needs. Upon getting to know clientele, they are able to coordinate supply and demand to meet with the frequency of their visits to the shop. But what happens when they start to come more frequently,…
Marketing Yourself Through Breadcrumbs
PUBLISHED TO TALENTZOO Recently, I had a conversation with a young professional. I was working on his resume and realized that although he was only 25, he was very accomplished. He had a Master’s Degree and multiple certifications. He had leveraged massive growth and real estate acquisitions for his company while maintaining budgets of over a billion dollars. I was also crafting his LinkedIn portfolio. I was shocked to know it was his first profile and that he had no other social networks, websites, or mentions on the web. However, he had done many successful things on behalf of his company. Notice — I said “behalf.” He generated a whirlwind…
StudyMantra Technologies’ creative, innovative and humanitarian way of education
PUBLISHED TO THE EXAMINER A newer, more creative way to learn Online, StudyTriangle by StudyMantra Technologies, announced its official launch a half an hour before midnight on June 29, 2014. The company, based in India, announces a brand new mobile app available for download on Android devices via the Google Play app store. The freshly-released app comes just two weeks after the launch of the official Study Triangle website, both powered by BizCloud and DigiGrapes technology, and allowing for Agile-based innovation in the educational arena, as an “Online educational marketplace.” For on-the-go students, whether in a large, chaotic city or the undereducated rural communities of India, StudyTriangle’s web and mobile…