Too Legit to Quit: Why Skullcandy is Teaming Up with Icertis
Previously Published to TMC Net’s Cloud Computing Magazine No, we’re not talking about MC Hammer this time. We’re talking contract management. Cloud-based contract management provider, Icertis, announced a recent partnership with Skullcandy, Inc. that will help the performance audio brand to excel in future business dealings within the global marketplace. Since named “The World’s Coolest Ear Bud” by Fortune, Skullcandy has seen an increase in sales and interests, while already ranking as the third most-sold headphone in the United States. The company, preparing for rapid growth and adoption, has identified areas for improvement within daily business operations and structure. After strategically analyzing multiple solutions, Skullcandy decided to go with adopting…
IK Multimedia Brings Phantom Power to Mobile Video Broadcasts
PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED TO TALENT ZOO’S DIGITAL PIVOT Late last week, IK Multimedia premiered the iKlip A/V. The problem is, you might not have heard of it with all the excitement of CES 2016. That’s quite all right. Just know that we’re not going to let that fly! You will thank us for it later. Shifting to mobile for on-the-field recording and broadcasting, filmmakers and television producers are adopting integrated technologies that allow them to do more than ever before — and more conveniently. You never know when that next news story will break. You never know when some amazing footage will appear before your eyes. Cameras are clearer than ever…
Vidyo, Inc. Teams up with Genesys AppFoundry for Interactive Video Service Experience
Previously Published to TMC Net’s Omni-Channel Experience Vidyo recently announced that its patented video conferencing technology will become part of a new marketplace, Genesys AppFoundry, which is poised to provide brands with innovative customer experience solutions. This partnership will allow businesses to enter face-to-face conversation with Genesys contact center agents, providing live human interaction to the customer service experience. “Today, 75 percent of customer journeys start on mobile, web or social and this trend is only accelerating,” said Merijn te Booij, Executive Vice President of Product and Solution Strategy at Genesys. “Response to this digital imperative is increasingly important for companies competing on the battleground of customer experience.” Most businesses…