Tech Trine, Radisys, Octasic and Quortus Partner to Save Lives Through Innovative Communications
PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED TO TMC NET’S TELECOM SIGNALING RESOURCE CENTER The services acceleration company, Radisys Corporation, joins forces with Octasic, Inc. and Quortus to make a difference in Defense and Public Safety operations. Announced earlier this week, this tech trine is releasing a complete 4G/3G/2G secure network that will encourage and facilitate better communications amongst Military personnel and disaster relief organizations. The Multi-Radio Network-in-a-Box system comes equipped with a private end-to-end LTE network, protected by a compact and ruggedize form factor. “This integrated multi-standard base station, available for all OCTASIC’s BTS platforms, provides unique efficiency and portability, meeting our customers’ demands for flexible, lightweight complete cellular solutions,” states Michel Laurence, Executive…
Turn Your Hamburger Into A Cell Phone
Previously Published to TalentZoo’s Digital Pivot Seeed, a hardware innovation platform, is preparing for its newest release to date, allowing the everyday enthusiast to create their own phone from the inside out. With the RePhone Kit, the world is introduced to the first open source and modular smartphone technology. In just minutes, users will have access to “slim modules, accessible software and customizable phone enclosures.” Well, that is if one chooses to actually use the precut phone enclosures. There are, of course, other options. Seeed Studio’s RePhone allows users to turn literally anything into a mobile device. If you remember the ’80s and ’90s, you have inspiration to do so.…