5 Ways to Build a Great Team
As they say, “teamwork makes the dream work.” And we, as entrepreneurs, know just how hard it is to create a team that we can love, trust, and learn to grow with. In the beginning, we may start out wearing more than one hat. But, with success comes demand, and eventually, we have no choice but to build out.
At first, it may be a little harder to let others take full control of the reins. After all, this is your baby, and your success didn’t come overnight. You’re not ready to share. You’re not ready to risk it all. And, you sure as hell aren’t ready for anyone else to think that they can step in and do whatever it is that they want to do!
The reality is, you really don’t have to. There’s simply not enough time in one day to do everything you need to do. You’re going to need help, and you do need to make a few concessions if you want to see your business really succeed.
They don’t need to be you, but they can help you get your job done.
A “jack of all trades is a master of none” no matter how good you might be in other areas of your business. Find someone that can pick up your slack in areas where you are weak. Find someone who enjoys doing the redundant-but-necessary tasks that otherwise get in the way of actually doing your business.
It’s either that or wait until something drastic happens before you’re left looking dumb and ready to say “uncle.” Instead of trying to salvage what is left, be proactive and take building a team to a whole other level.
Develop a strategy that gets you where you need to be. Take advantage of the fact that you are creating an entire team. Trust me, you don’t want to be on your deathbed before you realize that a team is exactly what you needed this whole time.
1. Unify your team under a shared vision for the future

Figure out where your passion comes from. Why do you believe in your business so strongly that you don’twant to let anyone else in? What’s so important to you that you shield it with everything you’ve got?
With teamwork, there needs to be a vision. Without a vision, you’ll see nothing but chaos.
Find others who can share in your vision — whether it’s a cause, something you’re good at — or youjust want to get rich! When someone shares in your vision, you can almost believe that they will do everything in their power to help see it succeed.
Stakeholders are called just that for this reason — they have a stake in your company and are ultimately in it to see you through to success.
Whether it’s the janitor or your soon-to-be VP, this only works if there’s a vision. Otherwise, they might just have a vision of their own and walk away!
2. Scout out each of your members based on personality type.

This is one that I wish I knew about sooner. Let me just go ahead and get the “you’re welcomes” out of the way, now.
If you don’t know about team building based on personality type, you’re in for a real treat. In my earlier days of team building, I wanted nothing but the best. I wanted hard workers that always knew what to do, knew how to do it, and who could get it done rather quickly.
It seemed logical, but boy, was I wrong! You can have all the top performers you want, but if there is no chemistry between your team, you might as well call it a wrap.
Chemistry is the building block of pretty much everything. You need it to communicate effectively. You need it for effective collaboration if you want to be at your peak productivity. Positive environments halt disruptive behavior, and motivation can continue to ensue.
Building a team isn’t always easy;in fact, it almost never is. You’re going to need to do a little analysis before even embarking on the mission to add to your roster. You’re going to need to profile your future team by focusing on each role. Consider each role a piece of your puzzle and find ways to make your picture whole. I also stronglysuggest using DISC-based methodologies in order to do so.
It’s very important to add leaders to your team. You may want to add a more dominant, no-nonsense leader that keeps everyone on task. But, you’re also going to require an influencer to empower, build internal relations, and encourage creativity throughout the daily work cycle.
Who’s going to maintain human resources, do the actual grunt work, and follow your instructions to a tee? Who’s going to analyze your business to keep closing the gaps and seize onto the opportunities that we overlook?
Each member needs to complement each other. And, once you have that, you can…
3. Be the strength to their weaknesses, and find those that naturally compliment you

So what, you didn’t hire the top performer? This is actually the best thing that could have happened to you. Top performers have already plateaued for the most part, but an unrefined talent has so much direction to grow.
Their judgment isn’t clouded, and they aren’t currently stuck in their ways. You can mold them into exactly what you want them to become. Develop your team from within. Optimize your workforce. Celebrate each other’s achievements. Let them optimize you.
4. Look at your team members as if they are invaluable resources. Find ways to mutually benefit one another.

This is actually one way that most successful start-ups get started. They team up with those whom they’ve met along the way. Most of the time, these were people that they respected when doing business with their former companies. They noticed how specialized these people were in particular areas and immediately thought of them when creating and/or expanding their business.
You’re going to find that they have resources available that you might not otherwise have to yourself. Whether it’s a contact or access to certain top-secret systems, they can be a valuable and critical resource to your organization.
In fact, they don’t always need to be there. They just need to be loyal. So, find ways to keep them loyal. Figure out what you can offer them in return for their contributions, and continue to grow together.
5. Communication is key to any relationship,and it’s the single most important aspect of team building.

Before, during, and after building your team, make sure that communication is at the helm of all your activities. Keep an open-door policy so that members can air out their grievances, and actively listen so that you can prevent fall-out long before it happens. Listen to their ideas. Show them as much interest in their ideas as you expected them to have in yours.
Show them that you appreciate them. Communication is a two-way street, and we want to be heard as much as someone else wants us to listen.
Goals. Direction. Inspiration. Resolution. These are all incumbent upon communication. Without communication, you essentially have nothing. Create a culture. Trust. Build boundaries. Let team members know their value. Learn to communicate, and you should have no problem building — or even leading — your team!