Stop thinking the worst, analyze your relationship the right way

Relationship Advice, Couples Counselling, Dating Advice, Problems, Is He Cheating?, Does she love me? Is he a narcissist?, Am I fat?

Previously Published to News Break So many of us enter into a relationship thinking that “this might just be the one.” Everything’s going great. You guys are in sync. You share a number of common interests. But, then you comfortable. The first time something seems out of place, we start questioning everything …and to the point of overanalyzing it. An analysis is great, but it’s only great if you do it correctly. Stop thinking the […]

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Social Media Activity, Based on Personality Type

DISC Personality Types, DISC Theory, Personality Traits, Dominance, Influence, Stability, Compliance, Social Media, Marketing, Internet Marketing, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, Snapchat, Business, PeopleKeys

READ THE ENTIRE ARTICLE ON DISCINSIGHTS BY PEOPLEKEYS You’ve heard it time and time again (and, you’re going to continue hearing it) … “We’re all different. But, we’re all predictably different.” As true as this statement is to our walking life, why would it be any different when it comes to social media? We’re on social media, because everyone else is. But, not all of us are on there to communicate. While Grandma is busy […]

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DISC personality and teaching style

Teaching Types, Teaching Styles, Learning Styles, Personality Types, Personality Traits, DISC Insights, DISC Personalities, DISC Theory, Education

READ THE FULL ARTICLE ON DISCINSIGHTS BY PEOPLEKEYS Believe it or not, your personality not only dictates your behavior, but also the way you teach, the classroom environment you create, and even the results and motivation of your students. The more you understand who you are and the more you learn about behaviors in general, you will become a more “behaviorally intelligent” educator by applying DISC theory in your classroom environment and beyond. Have you […]

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Using DISC for Workforce Optimization

Workforce Optimization, Human Resources, Employee Relations, Predictive Hiring, Duplicating top Talent, DISC Personality Types, Personality Traits, Behavioral Analysis, DISC Insights, Employee Relations, Retention, Turnover

READ THE FULL ARTICLES ON DISCINSIGHTS BY PEOPLEKEYS As many organizations are finalizing year-end strategies and developing next year’s business plans, others have already taken a running leap into 2019 with iron-clad initiatives for growth and expansion. No matter which phase of strategic planning you are in, please don’t forget that “people” are our most significant investment and that our businesses are defined most effectively by our workforce. According to Human Resources Today, the macrotrends […]

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Hiring Top Executives is a Two-Way Process

Top Talent, Executives, Hiring Cycles, Talent Acquisition, Recruitment, Duplicating Top Talent, Career Development, Human Resources, Retention Ratios, Turnover Minimization, DISC Insights, DISC Personalities, DISC Persona, Personality Traits,

READ THE FULL ARTICLE ON DISCINSIGHTS BY PEOPLEKEYS Hiring has always been a two-way process, even though many HR professionals, coaches, and business owners can be making the mistake of accepting it as a one-sided road. There is a switch in the hiring market, and most companies don’t really want to talk about it – especially when hiring for high-level positions. For each new position, hiring managers are stuck sifting through 200 or more resumes […]

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