Tackling innovation, scalability and the new digital frontier, Jessica N. Abraham explores various technologies, including mobile apps, security mechanisms, IoT, WebRTC and so on.
Striata’s New SDR Enforces Privacy in Cloud-Based Systems
Previously published to TMC Net’s Cloud Computing Magazine For those migrating to cloud-based systems, there has been slight hesitation where security is concerned. Within reason, there are many companies that are more precautious when moving proprietary and confidential information to a “free for all” type of platform. Then, there are those that realize cloud-systems may actually be more secure than their own in-house servers, and enjoy the benefits of monitoring and lockout. Likewise, there are those that refuse to become part of the shift, out of fear of data loss and hijacked information. Striata – a company dedicated to Customer Communications Management software and document security technologies – launched an…
Too Legit to Quit: Why Skullcandy is Teaming Up with Icertis
Previously Published to TMC Net’s Cloud Computing Magazine No, we’re not talking about MC Hammer this time. We’re talking contract management. Cloud-based contract management provider, Icertis, announced a recent partnership with Skullcandy, Inc. that will help the performance audio brand to excel in future business dealings within the global marketplace. Since named “The World’s Coolest Ear Bud” by Fortune, Skullcandy has seen an increase in sales and interests, while already ranking as the third most-sold headphone in the United States. The company, preparing for rapid growth and adoption, has identified areas for improvement within daily business operations and structure. After strategically analyzing multiple solutions, Skullcandy decided to go with adopting…
As Traditional Media Consumption Shifts, So Do Trends in Social Media Engagement Strategies
A recent study by PQ Media, a market research agency focused on competitive intelligence as it relates to some of today’s top media and technology organizations, disclosed findings that highlight the future of traditional media and how the shift is being led by a highly social Gen-X crowd. Their reports show that 2.1 percent of all traditional media consumption is sure to decrease by 2019. Of course, this figure is conservative. Millennials are known for influencing tech innovations in the workplace. But, the Gen-X audience is the true leader in digital media interests. They spend more than 25.3 hours a week on average, consuming “doubled-up” digital media content. This consumption…
5 Global Natural Language Processing Trends & Why the Market is Booming
PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED TO TMCNET’S CALL RECORDING WORLD With content and real-time solutions connecting global audiences today, it was bound to happen: Natural Language Processing (NLP), an artificial intelligence engine that processes communications between human and machine, is showing growth in size and demand. This is happening thanks to continued adoption of productivity tools that are breaking down the barrier between written content and spoken word. In fact, engines have become so complex that they are even able to analyze natural human language and convert it into big data. Future Market Insights recently broke down five trends in the Global Natural Language Processing market that we can expect in the next…
Where is Mobile Content Management Headed?
ARTICLE PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED TO TMC NET’S CALL ACCOUNTING We are consumers. Whether for work or play, we know exactly where to go to get the content we need to get the job done. We create. We embrace. We indulge. We share. So, is it really that hard to believe the 2016-2020 Global Mobile Content Management report forecasted a 21.8 percent CAGR growth in mobile content management, driven by mobile accessibility? By swiping screen to screen, we are leading rapid trends in the corporate world and forcing the mobile workforce to stay productive. Flexibility in our schedules, cloud computing and a millennial workforce has proven a great mix for the corporate…