Tackling innovation, scalability and the new digital frontier, Jessica N. Abraham explores various technologies, including mobile apps, security mechanisms, IoT, WebRTC and so on.
WebDAM’s Brand Connect shatters industry with visual content management features
PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED TO EXAMINER It’s been a week since the release of WebDAM’s latest features to their brand management solution, Brand Connect. On Tuesday, May 3, Examiner sat down with Jody Vandergriff, Co-Founder and CEO of WebDAM, to find out more about this game-changing platform and how it not only affects marketing teams and designers, but how it’s creating impact for the enterprise with individual contributors all over the globe! As globalization takes over the business world, the standard multinational organization is finding itself competing with scalable business structures that have centralized headquarters and thousands of work-at-home contributors. Some of these companies don’t even have a central headquarter location. The…
Technavio predicts significant trends in television ad-spending through 2019
PREVIOUSLY POSTED TO THE EXAMINER With traditional media being replaced by digital streams, major agencies are starting to wonder if their advertising dollars are being put to good use. At a time where we pre-record our shows, only to fast forward through the commercials – or when we wait for them to show on-demand – we prefer short 15-20 second videos overdrawn out commercials that we can’t click to skip after so many seconds. Because digital television allows agencies to redirect new customers to a call of action, digital television should be an obvious priority within advertising efforts. We are relaxing after a long day of work and school. Show…
It’s 2016, and We Still Lack Preference for Virtual Meetings. Here’s Why.
PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED TO TMC NET’S REAL TIME COMMUNICATIONS With the mobile workforce revolutionizing businesses, both small and large, it’s becoming more conventional to meet our clients and business partners for a quick chat over the wire. While it’s pretty cool to think back to where we were just ten years ago, we’re still not as far as we would think. In fact, GFK, a firm dedicated to market research in Technology, reveals that only a quarter of U.S. consumers are regularly engaging in digital interaction and consider it just as good as being face-to-face. Overseas consumers reflect similar sentiments. Globally, women are more apt to welcoming virtual interactions than men.…
Real-Time Messaging: To Be or Not to Be Productive
PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED TO WEBRTC’S REAL TIME COMMUNICATIONS BetterCloud, a blog community that periodically releases research data related to the Tech World, recently released findings of a survey covering the trends for cloud-related activity within the Enterprise realm. More than 1600 total IT professionals and end-users participated in the poll. Of those surveyed, 76 percent of them came from small-to-medium sized businesses with 14 percent from large-sized organizations. Everyone else fell between the gaps. With such a gap in participants, it’s very interesting to see the correlation between both groups of adoption and the common denominators that fall in between them. This survey focused on the data related to utilization of…
YouVisit Contributes Major Change to VR Markets
PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED TO TMCNET’S WEARABLE TECH NEWS While virtual reality has been available to consumers for more than 20 years, it doesn’t seem like it caught on too well until recently. Companies like Google Cardboard, Oculus Rift and Samsung Gear VR have made virtual reality more mainstream, and now everyone is trying to get some action. YouVisit, a company with the mission of showing you the world, has developed one of the world’s largest collections of interactive virtual reality content. In fact, they have made it possible for user-generated virtual reality experiences, giving individuals, educational institutions and business all over the world the opportunity to create their own virtual reality…