What is the Purpose of the Sprint Retrospective?
10 Ways to Improve Your Next Sprint Retrospective Meeting Previous Published on Propelo.AI What is the Sprint Retrospective in Scrum? Dictionary.com defines a retrospective as the “looking back on or dealing with past events or situations.“ It’s a reflection of sorts. And in the case of a sprint retrospective, it’s the reflection of past sprint events — a meeting between various members of the engineering team and stakeholders in the organization. Everyone has a chance to speak — and every voice is valued. So, what is the purpose of the sprint retrospective meeting? Who attends this meeting? And how often does it happen? Within the Agile framework, there are what you call the five…
Agile Velocity – Good Metric, Use With Caution
The Do’s and Don’ts of Using Velocity in Agile | Previously published to Propelo.AI Agile velocity is a very simple concept that software development teams use to gauge how many tasks can be performed, or completed, on average within a given timeframe. Unfortunately, while it can be extremely useful within the field of project management, it can also be very detrimental if used incorrectly. According to Youtuber Gary Tsang, Your Agile Coach, “Agile velocity is one of the most popular software development metrics in the world. When used for an agile team’s sprint capacity planning, it can be extremely powerful. But some people, some organizations and some teams use it for…