Virtual Reality from Google: Headed to a K-12 Near You
PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED ON TMC NET’S REAL-TIME COMMUNICATIONS Google has partnered with Subaru to bring fifteen major cities a new, exciting and highly engaging technology to assist within the learning environment. Teachers will receive tablets for themselves and ASUS smartphones for students that will be converted into virtual reality devices via Google Cardboard, similar to nostalgic Mattel Viewmasters. Devices will be synched through a central router, which will also be included in the Google Expedition kit for future adoption. Google Expedition enables virtual field trips throughout internationally recognized locations around the world. A rapidly growing program to influence the core of our future consumers by immersing them in virtual reality technology,…
Google implements NEW Category Search through Upgraded Google Images
PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED ON EXAMINER Face recognition, Goggles, and now… A NEW and improved Image Search by Google. If you’re constantly using the World’s Leading Search Engine, Google, you probably have noticed something different about Google Images in the last few days based upon your inputted search terms. Personally, my first experience with the new feature implemented by Google’s Image Search took place when trying to find graphics from an upcoming TV Series that hits Showtime on June 30. That show is Ray Donovan; and I was working on a graphic for Kwame Patterson (known for his role as “Monk” on The Wire), who appears on the series as Rapper/Producer, Re-Kon.…
BrandYourself: A cool, novice tool for ‘owning your name’ in cyberspace
PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED ON EXAMINER Have you ever “Googled” yourself only to find websites that have nothing to do with you? Mugshots of criminals? Reviews about businesses not even in the same state as you? Would you like to dominate the first few pages of Google with your search results? Aside from in-depth SEO-work by a professional, there is a basic tool available to novice users everywhere. A few months ago, I discovered a site called BrandYourself.com. Apparently, I was a little over a year behind this knowledge, because this site has been around since the earlier parts of 2012 from what I am understanding. The site was created in efforts…