How Sennheiser Just Changed Audio Production and Experiences Forever
PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED TO TALENT ZOO’S DIGITAL PIVOT Before “Beats by Dre,” there was Sennheiser, a global leader in quality audio products. They have been known primarily for their studio-quality headphone product manufacturing. Shaping the future of audio, they have presented their groundbreaking AMBEO 3D Audio Technology at CES 2016, The Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Nevada. An evolved state of binaural audio technologies, Sennheiser captivates audiences in new possibilities when it comes to audio capture and reproduction. With so many branded headphone options on the market, Sennheiser has put in major work to remain relevant as the global leader in headphone technologies around the world. And then it happened! “3D…
Photography Changed Forever: A Bandwagon Even Mr. Walt Disney Would Jump On!
PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED TO TALENT ZOO’S DIGITAL PIVOT It seems that 2016 will be far from a boring year. With so many IoT devices hitting the markets, many of us just won’t know how to act. For the photographer still in love with film, this message is especially for you! Set for release in August, we won’t even be able to look at photographs the same again…literally! Originally planning a 2015 release, LifePrint just didn’t “click” with audiences who didn’t quite “get” IoT technology and digital imagery – or what they could potentially bring. An August 2014 Kickstarter campaign proved unsuccessful. But, with the passion and persistence, LifePrint reemerges from the start-up…
Study Reveals How to Digitally Influence Consumer Behavior and Sales
Previously Published to Talent Zoo’s Digital Pivot According to a recent study at the University of Miami School of Business Administration, online shoppers are proving to be 80% more likely to choose more expensive products and services when accompanied by a video demonstration. If your brand hasn’t implemented video to your social media mix, you may potentially be missing out on a large market share. Interestingly enough, 79% more shoppers are most likely to choose products centered on entertainment and pleasure as opposed to functionality. They are even willing to pay a higher price for this. Could this be the correlation between video engagement and a product that entertains? “It is clear…
WebDAM sets the ground rules and gives you ‘Fifty Shades of Branding’
PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED ON EXAMINER On Friday, February 13, 2015, theaters everywhere released the “Fifty Shades of Grey” movie, a motion picture derived from a novel with a taboo storyline. In the Marketing World, WebDAM, the leading Digital Asset Management software continues powering a new era for enterprise as they released their own “Fifty Shades” project… “Fifty Shades of Branding.” In “letting your brand go” wild, “Fifty Shades of Branding” gives insight into Branding secrets, new and old, while explaining how and why a brand needs to allure their audiences by showing off its sexy! They have released “the best practices and inspirational statistics to unleash your brand in today’s modern…
WebDAM announces strategic partnership with AtTask and new integrations
PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED ON EXAMINER In November, WebDAM introduced the World to a solution that would make the lives of Project Managers much easier. They released a “Mobile App for Creative Workflows and Rich Media Distribution, which accelerates Enterprise Marketing and Brand Management Workflows.” According to direct disclosure with WebDAM, today, the leader in “cloud-based digital asset management” makes the announcement that they have strategically partnered with AtTask, a “leading cloud Marketing Work Management provider.” That said, April 23, 2014 is great news for those “on the go” users, because now WebDAM’s digital asset management and brand management software will now integrate the AtTask Marketing Cloud! It will mark a revolutionary…