DISC Insights, DISC Personality, Personality Type, Corporate Culture, Employee Relations, Persona, Behavioral Analysis, Coaching, Dominance, Influence, Hiring Cycles, Recruitment, Talent Acquisition, Onboarding, Team Building, Leadership, Workforce Optimization, Corporate Development, Business Development, Business Expansion, Growth, Team Building, Culture, Building Remote Teams, Compliances, Roles, Infrastructure, Differences in Opinion, Compliance, Steadiness, Communication, Improvements
Business,  Career Development,  PeopleKeys’ DISC Insights

Improve your communication with DISC


Dr. William Marston developed his DISC theory while at Harvard University as a method of identifying major human personality traits and translating them into predictable behaviors. It is true that people can be predictable, but they are also predictably different. Being able to read through their personality differences is a key to good communication and building successful relationships, partnerships, families… Have you determined your DISC personality, yet? If not, the DISC Personality Profile will take you about 10 minutes to complete and get a full report of your combined personality style.

Read the full article on DISCInsights by PeopleKeys to find out what you need to know when dealing with different DISC styles.

Jessica N. Abraham writes about Business, Career Development and Technology. She is a professional resume writer with Resume.Academy and former owner of Shorty Produkshins, where she spent more than 17+ years, dedicated to a life of Social Branding, Public Relations and Design Strategy. Radio personality and producer for a number of live shows and events, Jessica continues to replicate her strategy for the upcoming tEQ.life brand. She holds an MFA in Media Design, MS in Entertainment Business and MS in Internet Marketing. Her undergraduate includes a BS in Entertainment Business & Law and AS in Recording Arts. Check out more of her work here:EXAMINERPEOPLEKEYSTMCNETMEDIUMCHA CHA IN THE CITYAXS.COMTALENTZOODIGITAL PIVOTCBSLOCAL: MIAMI & SOUTH FLORIDACBSLOCAL: TAMPARECIPE STATION