Where is Mobile Content Management Headed?
We are consumers. Whether for work or play, we know exactly where to go to get the content we need to get the job done. We create. We embrace. We indulge. We share. So, is it really that hard to believe the 2016-2020 Global Mobile Content Management report forecasted a 21.8 percent CAGR growth in mobile content management, driven by mobile accessibility? By swiping screen to screen, we are leading rapid trends in the corporate world and forcing the mobile workforce to stay productive.
Flexibility in our schedules, cloud computing and a millennial workforce has proven a great mix for the corporate realm. Not only does it allow businesses to stay open past business hours, but it allows for a more productive organization. Better communication is cultivated and collaboration is easier to manage thanks to mobile solutions.
Because we can access our desks from the beach, we tend to be more proactive in getting work done. We no longer have to wait until 9 a.m. or rush around to make a 6 p.m. deadline. Furthermore, we no longer have to call in a favor just to have someone meet us at the office and let us in because we forgot something.
Thanks to integrated solutions that allow us to connect our work stations to our mobile devices, our documents are not only accessible at all hours of the night, but they are also safe and secure – shareable with only those that we allow to see them. There’s very little printing and scanning going on these days. Budgets are no longer sacrificed for unnecessary printing and shipping costs. Documents are quickly deleted, limiting the need to shred and discard once they are done for. These are actually the key drivers within the market.
By the end of 2020, ReportsNReports has predicted that cloud-based content management segments will become the largest segment in the market by the end of 2020.
Healthcare technologies, one of the fastest growing industries in today’s mobile IT revolution, have almost all implemented some form of cloud-based technology. Also, the world of marketing is not just utilizing the cloud for standard business operations, but they are also optimizing the cloud for platform delivery of content deliverables. This is especially true as adblocking continues to evolve.
Native and Content Marketing are quickly becoming the way of the world.
In fact, Facebook just announced the decision to allow all publishers to utilize the Instant Article platform, starting in April of 2016.
Originally making noise last May, Facebook (News – Alert) strategically hit the “book” with a solutions that would allow publishers to implement their new and existing news content directly into a Facebook app without the need to visit another browser, ensuring speed and performance. The current version of Instant Article is only available on iOS, and content is limited. In April, this will all change.
Because content management will become more social, and publishers are set to receive revenue from traffic on the site, the presented 21.8 percent growth prediction for mobile content management may actual find itself far exceeded.
From a conservative space, this number makes sense. But, the question should be how much more will this number be exceeded by. The power of social is often underestimated. And, once Instant Pages are unleashed, we will see LinkedIn’s Pulse (News – Alert) step their own game up even further.
In fact, large enterprise firms are teaming up with smaller organizations and forging partnerships that will ensure better content creation and more impact in content management solutions. Will this mean potential competition for Instant Article or Pulse? Will these platforms employ partnerships to keep consumers hooked in to their content and content delivery tools?
With newly adopted entry into the mobile and cloud arena, traditional industries are now also joining forces with technology to meet the consumer where the consumer spends a majority of their personal time. This is also not factoring in the European countries, who have faced barrier issues with lack of mobile connectivity that are now skipping 4G capabilities altogether and going straight for 5G. This adoption rate will continue to increases drastically.
High-definition (HD) content marketing will also drive innovation and demand for content management solutions.
Timeliness is key in content generation. Thanks to mobile capabilities and with rapid adoption of content management solutions, documents are quickly and immediately dispersed in mass. Reports are generated instantaneously based on personalized information. And, the workforce is now optimized.