#IDontLikeWhen: A Marketer’s Rant
Now Trending: #iDontLikeWhen. Thanks, Twitter! I am now free to rant as a Marketing Professional and Columnist! Shoot, I may even spark up a little controversy! This sounds fun!
If you have been involved with Marketing or any related industry, I’m sure you have heard this line before.“Oh, my cousin can do my Facebook for me…” They go on to say how easy it is to do, but are disappointed at the results and let it ruin their outlook on Marketing overall!
One of the greatest pet peeves that many Internet Marketers face is amongst the people we target for business.
As the greatest common denominator amongst us, we frequently see people doing their own marketing (or having a cousin do it) and doing it very wrong. Their messaging is off, their demographics aren’t set, their frequency is either too often or not enough… and they aren’t really marketing at all.
Too many people try to be “Jack of All Trades,” but then they really become the “Master of None.” We need you to focus on the service or product so that we can sell it, consume it, and then brag about this great product we have just consumed! And, honestly, would you let your “Cousin Jack” be your lawyer if your life depended on it? So, why would you leave your brand at risk?
An Internet Marketing Plan is so very important to your brand’s overall well being. If you insist on doing your own marketing, at least hire a professional to map out your course of action. Because, the next thing I’m about to say can and most likely will happen…
PET PEEVE #2 of almost every marketing expert in the World!
The second greatest pet peeve of Internet Marketing professionals is this: “I have done marketing for my product, done the Social Media thing, I used SEO on my page, and it isn’t effective and worth my time or money.” There are so many things wrong with that statement alone. But, this is a common statement. They try to show they have a know-how of what they are doing. But, really they don’t. They only have an idea, based on what they have seen in white sheets and Facebook posts by actual firms.
You see, so many people engage in marketing that was either done wrong, they received no returns, or did it so wrong it and hurt their brand. Without knowing how to create, distribute and market that content to benefit you, engage in social conversation that generates interest in your brand, and other important elements related to Brand Awareness with conversions, you just won’t convert! You also need to act as a Brand Ambassador and deflect negativity from your brand’s reputation, research competitors, analyze gathered information on your brand and its competitors, and redefine your plan of action as you go!
“WOW! THIS is only the beginning!”
#ToBeHonest, there are too many people doing too many similar things these days. You can’t just go in blindly! No one is immune. I hate to say it, but even the Internet Marketing industry is saturated. Then again, how many of those are truly marketers and how many of those only claim this title, because they do a little bit here and there for their family and friends?
Last but MOST CERTAINLY NOT LEAST, “Cheapskate Louie…” Pet Peeve #3 is he!
Because there is so much competition, this fact is held over our heads quite frequently. “Louie” is the man who doesn’t know ANYTHING about technology or others (or he is just a seasoned con artist), and he has an incredibly huge ego! Instead of researching those who he is interested in doing business with, he would rather harass them on their credentials and degrade them in thinking that he will get a discount.
Many times these professionals have worked on high profile campaigns. And once enough is enough, the professional will decline business from Louie, who more than likely has tried to encourage unethical business, the “con of FREE work” and things like this.
Louie, furious, will then try to soil the reputation of the professional who has done everything right …and maybe even a little free work for him… simply because he didn’t get his way!
Luckily for the professionals, his attempts won’t even leave a dent into their master plan, because these types of clientele are avoided! Sourface Louie is now left all by his lonesome self.
While only three pet peeves are given, I was enticed by the trend on Twitter to create this “Marketers Rant.” Fellow Marketers, you are not alone. Be inspired by these events to come with a better pitch in selling your service to those who will truly benefit.
And, listen, this message is to EVERYONE in EVERY industry: NEVER let someone take advantage of your or your business.
In fact, the more boundaries you set up, the more professional you show that you are. They are more than likely to do business with you than if you do tons of free work that detracts from your own bill payments, house payments and diet. They can trust you won’t let anyone push you around when it comes to their product.
People will always try to take advantage. People will always have excuses. People will always have misunderstandings. If things aren’t working well for you, just change your approach. People will listen when you make them want to. But, explaining without an open ear is just a waste of your own time and will discourage you from your true talent. #IDontLikeWhen this happens. And you might not like it, either. But, this is part of business and part of everyday life!
By the way, be sure to add me on Twitter AND Facebook!
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