Virtual Reality from Google: Headed to a K-12 Near You
Google has partnered with Subaru to bring fifteen major cities a new, exciting and highly engaging technology to assist within the learning environment. Teachers will receive tablets for themselves and ASUS smartphones for students that will be converted into virtual reality devices via Google Cardboard, similar to nostalgic Mattel Viewmasters.
Devices will be synched through a central router, which will also be included in the Google Expedition kit for future adoption. Google Expedition enables virtual field trips throughout internationally recognized locations around the world.
A rapidly growing program to influence the core of our future consumers by immersing them in virtual reality technology, teachers will be educating young minds through over 100 various virtual journeys, while Google works quickly in establishing this technology into the public educational system. In addition to an already established Google Classroom learning space, Google works to shape our future generation of leaders in making the world a better place to live.
According to Mobile Commerce Press, “Google did not immediately identify exactly how many schools would be receiving the virtual reality kits” but in upcoming months, twelve major cities in the United States will be the first of many to experience Virtual Reality via Google.
The cities set to receive this new technology will be: New Orleans, Las Vegas, Detroit, Baltimore, Orlando, Cincinnati, Alexandria, Phoenix, Indianapolis, Washington D.C., Salt Lake City and Portland.
Based on the cities presented to us, it appears that this project is also experimental in capacity, as many of these cities are known for their poor educational systems, while others are known for innovation. This, of course, is only speculation. Toronto, Singapore and Denmark will also be added to the list of major cities test-driving this technology in the near future. That’s a total of fifteen cities presented with the gift of virtual reality.
Previously, the Google Expeditions project launched into many major cities, allowing schools to sign up on a per-request basis. Museums and regularly visited trademarks around the world are jumping aboard to make their location accessible via Google.
As more people adopt and grow Google Cardboard for their every day lesson planning and tourism, we can begin to see an equal acceptance for mankind. Or, so can we hope. Allowing us to understand the culture of one another is just one step closer to the end of violence and hate. And it’s not bad business for Google, either.