App Introduces the Globe to New Multi-layer Video Editing Features
Previously Published to TalentZoo’s Digital Pivot
Only available on high-end smartphones, KineMaster, a premium mobile application for video editing, is now toting new and exciting features that will set them even further apart in the digital video marketplace. Sure to beat out any chance at competition, NexStreaming announced late last night that KineMaster “now supports video layer features for creating picture-in-picture and split-screen effects with the newly released version 3.1.
While KineMaster 3.0 was released last August, featuring a new UI design concept and support for multi-layer text and images, the new video layer feature can display multiple videos at the same time on a single screen and is widely used for news, sports, in interviews and more to show various scenes simultaneously.”
As cameras on mobile become more cinematic and professionals are converting their work for on-the-go execution, there is a major need for video editing software that can really do damage; in the days of special effects, overlays, and multiple shots, a mobile app to meet the needs of professionals and enthusiasts all over the world. As a matter of fact, with a new beta release of KineMaster, over 5 million users have already downloaded this amazing new mobile app. These are all premium subscribers, wiling to pay for a mobile app due to its abilities to perform and the quality it spits out.
“We are very excited about the addition of Video Layers to KineMaster, and look forward to seeing how our users put them to use on their YouTube channels. We’re already hard at work on more great new features and improvements for upcoming KineMaster updates,” states Principle Engineer and Director of KineMaster, Matthew Feinberg.
On-the-go, quality video editing with multiple layers. And the only app in the Android Marketplace to do it! This is worth a round of applause!