Happy Birthday, Shorty Produkshins!: Orlando Internet Marketing Company now 10!
In the last ten years, we have seen a dramatic shift in the way we do business, use technology and how we view the Entertainment Industry. According to CNN Money, those working from home, both self-employed (usually as an Independent Contractor) and working for an employer, has risen 41% in this decade, alone.
Everyone relies on technology to accomplish their work and career goals. They want to work more effectively, have more freedoms and time to spend elsewhere, while achieving the largest ROI margins possible for their employer and towards self-benefit. The Entertainment Industry shares this similar story, simultaneous, with innovative technologies leading to the saturation of Independent Artists and home studios.
Like smaller businesses, these artists are gaging expanding fan bases and gaining larger profits than in the past, especially those who were once signed to a “Major” and had to pay everyone else before collecting their own profits.
With such a drastic change in how business is done and how we operate, we see many opportunities for great success. The downside to success, however, is that with it comes struggle and opportunity to fail. One must “get with the program” or fall behind. And, quite unfortunately, just “getting with the program” isn’t enough anymore and one must actually strive to stay ahead of the game in order to avoid “just getting by.”
Competitors exist. And, so do a million other businesses unrelated to each other. Brand Awareness is a must, and Social Branding is becoming more and more of a necessity than a demand in today’s world. Enter Shorty Produkshins.
Shorty Produkshins is an Online Promotions Company, specializing in Social Branding and Event Marketing via Advanced Internet Marketing and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tactic. For the past 10 years, Shorty Produkshins has evolved into the brand that it is today through the always-changing trends in industry, technology — and of course — demand. This month marks exactly that. This is the 10th-year Anniversary of Shorty Produkshins.
According to Robert Greene, an award-winning author, in his latest book “The Mastery,” it takes us ten years of repetitive practice, research and fine-tuning of one particular subject in order to find mastery in it. This timespan can be increased or decreased based upon intensity, depth and acceleration in the practices and execution of the subject matter.
Shorty Produkshins has started from the bottom and knows first hand what each and every one of their clients are facing along the way, no matter the subtle differences due to separate industries.
Shorty Produkshins started in a weird, yet interesting way. In 2001, founder, Jessica N. Abraham, was to implement a passion of hers into a graduation project for High School. Her passion at the time was MUSIC, nothing more and nothing less, as she engaged with it all her life.
In preplanning for the project, a CD Demo, she came into understanding that most Record Labels wouldn’t accept unsolicited submissions and take them seriously (if at all). Hence, the birth of “Shorty Productions.” Short Productions was a fictitious name given to a fictitious company that would lend credibility to “LiL Shorty,” otherwise known as Jessica N. Abraham.
This demo brought forth a lot of inspiration, inquiry and success, contrary to the actual “skills” that the artist had. At age 15, she still had a lot of musical training to go through before being impressive to ears.
In early 2003, the graduation project and results from distribution were presented in front of a panel. The years in between were spent researching, recording, releasing music Online (before there were means to do so), bringing Brand Awareness to potential and converted fans, networking and seeking honest feedback on the project …all done through early Internet Marketing practices!
The outcome was the inspiration to continue this process as an actual lifelong career.
The years in between were spent researching, recording, releasing music Online (before there were means to do so), bringing Brand Awareness to potential and converted fans, networking and seeking honest feedback on the project …all done through early Internet Marketing practices! The outcome was the inspiration to continue this process as an actual lifelong career.
At age 17, Jessica N. Abraham enrolled in a college in Orlando, FL for Recording Arts and the sciences behind it. At the time, Full Sail University was the top college for Recording Arts and “Real World Education” on an International level.
Migrating from Pennsylvania to Florida, Jessica soon met others that shared her passion for the Music Business. Some of these people were also students at Full Sail, while others were not. This was the beginning of “Shorty Produkshins” and the first year of business… as an established business… yielding many successful releases overseas in the form of Mixtapes and Compilations.
Over the years, and as with any company, there were many milestones and successes. But, there were also challenges. Shorty Produkshins, once an actual record label with a public studio attached (dubbed “Shorty’s Playground” by late-rapper, Demarreo “D-Mo” Matthews), was confronted with a new reality check.
While many studios were closing doors, Shorty’s Playground had been doing pretty well with a new location in New Kensington, PA and business still taking place in Orlando. The reality, however, was that more and more home studios were popping up all over the place, and the average person doesn’t care about quality. The reality was that it was now a rarity to sell instrumental “beats” for more than $1000, unlike it was in the past. Actually, it was more than likely an amount to be less than $100 and 25-50% of that isn’t much considering how much work had to be put in to sell and transfer the rights to this music.
People were giving away free music and free beats. And, a plethora of “so-called” producers arose all over.
Jessica N. Abraham, in returning to the drawing board, desperately trying to keep her company successful and in business, decided drastic changes need to be made. Paying attention to the fact that Shorty Produkshins had been in demand for the care they gave to their artists and producers and “side-services” requested by clients, Jessica N. Abraham decided that a majority of this success actually was due to the Internet Marketing and Public Relations-type work executed within the company.
Engaging in a writing project for a subsidiary of Universal Music Group and Murphy Boyz Entertainment, Sand Street Music (home of Burn N Bush’s Newton Twins, who have worked with multiple award-winning acts), Jessica was asked to promote five summer releases with the company. This was the confirmation Shorty Produkshins was headed in the right direction.
Simultaneously enrolled in Full Sail once again for her first of three Master’s Programs (in Entertainment Business, Internet Marketing, and Media Design), Jessica N. Abraham took Shorty Produkshins and transformed it into a full blown Online Promotions Company.
Within that first year, she had the opportunity of working with other acts, Non-Profit Organizations, colleges, programs, a Social Application for Facebook, a plethora of events and even a recruitment team for models. Shorty Produkshins found itself in demand in not only Orlando, but also Pittsburgh and Atlanta. That was almost six years ago.
It is now the end of 2013, and Shorty Produkshins has been home to multiple acts and Producers that have went on to do “bigger and better things.” The company has worked with many celebrities and parties, venues, festivals and events (often a packed house), small businesses and organizations, causes and charities, athletes and Social Networks. The list just goes on and on.
Shorty Produkshins is home to multiple subsidiaries, including the successful J. Abraham Consultants (a “24/7 Internet Marketing Consultation by Phone” company). And while the road has not been easy, it is one to be celebrated. The company plans to do just that.
Starting this month and continuing until the end of the year, a new product or service will be released every week in order to benefit those in the Entertainment Business or World of Small Business, because it is known how hard you work and it is much appreciated!
Contests and giveaways will also take place, starting at the end of the month and continuing through the new year. Every month, from the twenty-first until the first, Shorty Produkshins offers a “$50 off discount on all graphics.” The month of October, however, marks a month of action, aggression and love for those who work their butts off. A new website, new services, and new content will be released!
Not only will Shorty Produkshins be giving large discounts on services (including Design Strategy, Internet Marketing, Social Branding, Event Marketing, Mobile Marketing and PR), but Shorty Produkshins will also be giving college students the opportunities to jumpstart their careers, gain experience and make a little bit of money, as well!
With shifts in technology, the youth is our largest asset. Sharing this concept with Let’s Be Honest, a new Social Network that pays the youth to speak their mind, Shorty Produkshins is positive that our future generation has the power to do great things early on and to continue through to “A New Era in Royalty.”
On the net: http://www.shortyprodukshins.com
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/sp_brand_social
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/internetmarketingoforlando