What to Look for When Hiring a Production Worker
Previously Published to News Break When we think about “production,” we should also be thinking about the “product.” Depending on the market, production will be different, as will the requirements for the worker that we choose to work behind the scenes, making sure everything happens as it’s supposed to — with great quality and optimal fortitude. For the most part, the requirements of a production worker will always be the same. However, because we find ourselves working amongst a variety of niche markets, the actual specifications will vary quite a bit. They also vary, based on department, role, and area of expertise. To better understand what we are looking for in a…
Improving the Corporate Culture | How to optimize your workforce from a distance
Previously Published on News Break 2020 led to a surprising shift in how businesses would operate going forward. Many of these businesses have learned that they could actually cut costs by removing overhead. Others are downsizing and/or relocating to more tax-friendly areas of the United States. While some have let go of their workforce, others are growing at an unprecedented pace. With employees spread far and wide, companies are doubling down on the corporate culture and how teams operate. Productivity was a major concern for businesses with no existing infrastructure and with employees unaccustomed to working from home. Performance was another issue. Uncertainty in the market had led to uncertainty…
Optimizing Your Remote Workforce in Times of Crisis
FULL ARTICLE PUBLISHED ON DISCINSIGHTS BY PEOPLEKEYS On a typical day at the office, managing a workforce in-person is challenging. As more and more businesses are evolving toward a virtual workplace, the need for leaders to optimize their remote teams is more critical than ever. While typical office communication problems have no discretion for the type of workforce they will go on to plague, remote work teams can be most vulnerable. Not only does communication become a concern, but how we actually communicate as leaders with our remote workforce becomes a concern. According to FlexJobs, within the last 10 years, 91% of businesses have drastically been making the shift towards…
5 Tips for Transitioning Managers in the World of IT
PUBLISHED ON MEDIUM Let’s face it, technology has rapidly changed the way we do business — and markets, themselves, are shifting in a major way. We’re seeing steady progression across an entire industry and are taking on higher-paying opportunities in sectors that we never thought we would be. Managers are entering into new markets, as the realm of technology continues to evolve before our very eyes. We demand innovation and watch it transform on a daily basis. Technologies broaden, but the markets haven’t been nearly as kind. Most agencies are understaffed and roles unfulfilled. We’re seeing those with no formal education compete against MIT graduates. Project managers are stepping up,…