The Difference Between Enterprise and Mid-Size Customer Service Solutions and Why Aspect is a Big Deal
PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED TO TMCNET’S OMNI-CHANNEL CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT As decent-sized business, expanding services to overseas clientele, you might wonder how you fit into “the mix.” Is your company considered a mid-sized business? Or, is it an enterprise? Both come with distinctive needs, and yet it always comes down to whatever it is that the business is looking to achieve. When understanding which grade of solutions your business requires, take a step back and analyze your business. Identify your direct needs – and what solutions would best help your business to excel. The same is no different from customer service solutions. What you will find out is quite surprising, really. In a…
Resolve to Keep Your Customers Happy in 2016
PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED TO TMCNET’S OMNI-CHANNEL CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT As productivity literally falls into our hands, and technologies allow for better integration of our most precious business tools, cloud contact centers are working hard to plan their roadmap for 2016. While some of us have been working diligently through the holiday season, many of are returning to the control boards for the first time since last year! As we enter 2016, many of us are ambitious and excited about what is rumored to come. We have set goals through resolutions of things we are inspired to achieve – and we will. Aspect (News – Alert), a developer of omni-channel customer engagement solutions, did…
Vidyo, Inc. Teams up with Genesys AppFoundry for Interactive Video Service Experience
Previously Published to TMC Net’s Omni-Channel Experience Vidyo recently announced that its patented video conferencing technology will become part of a new marketplace, Genesys AppFoundry, which is poised to provide brands with innovative customer experience solutions. This partnership will allow businesses to enter face-to-face conversation with Genesys contact center agents, providing live human interaction to the customer service experience. “Today, 75 percent of customer journeys start on mobile, web or social and this trend is only accelerating,” said Merijn te Booij, Executive Vice President of Product and Solution Strategy at Genesys. “Response to this digital imperative is increasingly important for companies competing on the battleground of customer experience.” Most businesses…