What is ImQuest, and How is Statera Biopharma using it to Develop New Immune Therapies for Cancer, Infectious Disease and Autoimmune Disorders?
Previously Published to Benzinga: The following post was written and/or published as a collaboration between Benzinga’s in-house sponsored content team and a financial partner of Benzinga. Statera Biopharma, Inc. (NASDAQ: STAB) — the company formerly known as Cytocom (NASDAQ: CBLI) — recently uplisted to the Nasdaq in lieu of earlier acquisitions involving Cleveland BioLabs and ImQuest Life Sciences, Inc. Last week, the company provided an update on its integration of ImQuest and its plans going forward. According to Statera, preclinical testing is underway in the screening of second-generation immune therapies using the ImQuest platform for the rapid and accurate assessment of various diseases and how the overall makeup and composition of these diseases interact. The company will look more closely…