Futuristic Retrospective | Crissanji: Your newest favorite artist?
Vibrant, ambitious… exciting, Aries individuals are natural born leaders; they groove to a vibe all of their own. They don’t just love music because it has a nice beat; they live by the music that pulses throughout their body, originating from their soul. They love the high pitches and the low bellows, the gritty and grunge, the strings. Today, August 7, 2015, AXS sits down for an exclusive interview.
An Aries gentleman with a groove all of his own, Crissanji continues to be one of Florida’s most underrated R&B singers of quite-possibly-ever. Releasing his “Futuristic Retrospects” exactly a year ago, the world is slowly getting to know this independent artist and choreographer. Crissanji has already begun taking over audiences in the South and including the Caribbean, easily becoming an International success with time and effort.
As he is joined by his group, Crossovah, Crissanji has been known to perform and awe audiences with unique style and sound that continues to have fans waiting for an encore. With a fusion of Pop, 90s R&B, Reggae, Soca and Dancehall, fans almost feel ripped off when the party is over. They just can’t get enough.
Crissanji is joined by Ricardo, Kupid and J-Rah with the ongoing sentiment that “Extraordinary people make history and leave a legacy for the world to enjoy.” This legacy didn’t just begin; it has been a movement in the making.
The group started as just a couple of talented friends, who were passionate about their craft. They have grown in becoming an eclectic entertainment company, showcasing each artist as a solo act and thriving on the demand that their audiences have placed upon them. Each act reflects raw talent, untouched by mainstream influence and what could quite possibly save the music industry as we know it.
Born in New York, raised briefly in Port Royal, Jamaica, and growing up from age six in Orlando, Florida, it is no wonder that Hip Hop flows through his veins, Reggae influences his range and his style is ready for Top 40. As an 80s baby, growing up in the 90s, R&B has become his lifestyle, his love and his forte. He is a fresh breath of air to radio and has made us fall again in love with R&B music.
Winning an IMC, Indie Music Channel, Award this past Spring for “Best Male Pop Artist in 2015,” Crissanji has gained more global exposure than he accounted for. IMC is a community and network for independent musicians all over the world, with a radio station, TV network and website; and it was founded by Emmy Award-winning TV host, actor and model, Christopher Ewing.
This is not the first time, however, that he has won an award for his abilities and most certainly won’t be the last. As a matter of fact, it’s not even the first time he won an IMC award. In 2013, he also won “Best Male Pop Artist” for his earlier releases with Crossovah Ent.
Crissanji’s love for music was influenced by the love his mother had for it, as he was growing up. He grew up listening to classic oldies and old school love songs, ballads, and the radio, which was so different then than it is today. At one point, Crissanji claims, “There was a time when we were staying with a family friend, and all we had to watch was this video filled with R&B music. So that’s what I did, watched it all day long.” He began learning what he heard. He even picked up the skill of dancing along the way.
It is rumored that his dancing started when he began to walk, because he was always doing the latest dance and even creating his own choreography in elementary school. This is when he began performing. He and his cousin would enter talent shows and perform in front of their teachers and student body. They loved him, so naturally he built confidence in himself; and his appearance began to transform.
If you haven’t noticed by now, Crissanji has a unique style of his own. He isn’t just aligned with current trends and fashions. As an Aries, he naturally carried by his own wind. He is deeply influenced by edgy appearances and fashion statements. He’s “not scared to go all the way.” Crissanji likes to “look different.” “I like to look and feel good,” he says, “If I want a certain style, I go all in.” And, his personal style is what makes him a star. As an Aries, he’s a leader. He’s a trendsetter. He likes to see people smile. His showmanship is what it is all about.
Writing his own music, for the most part, he gets inspiration listening to others and living his own experiences in someone else’s eyes. He likes to keep a variety of emotions on the table and doesn’t like to be monotonous. He’s worked with a variety of producers that have naturally pulled this out of him, including O’ace Kid, ThaiTan (pronounced “Titan”) and DJ Victorious. Extra talented, he has even produced some of his music himself. As for mentorship, he has been influenced highly by an artist named Red Rat, an artist known for his up-beat, comical style and signature catchphrase “Oh, No!”
With a new project underway, Crissanji has been working hard with O’ace Kid, ThaiTan and as an individual to bring together a project even better than the last. With “Futuristic Retrospects” available on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, Youtube and elsewhere, there is no reason not to sample this man’s hard work and to fall in love with it. Musicians come a dime a dozen, but this one is kind of special. After all, he might just be your next favorite artist!
Click here to check out his music on SoundCloud.
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