Celebrate D.E.A.R. Day 2021 with three new children’s books, written by local authors
Previously Published to News Break
In celebration of Children’s Book Author, Beverly Cleary, April 12th marks National D.E.A.R. Day, otherwise known as “Drop Everything and Read,” encouraging families across the nation to drop everything and read together.
According to Reading Rockets, a national public media literacy initiative offering information and resources on how young kids learn to read, why so many struggle, and how caring adults can help, National D.E.A.R. Day is a day “When kids can read and enjoy the books they want, just for the pleasure of reading and with no questions asked!”
The day has its roots in reference to Beverly Cleary’s Ramona book series, where Ramona, aged 8, became the campaign spokesperson for the once fictitious “Drop Everything and Read” event. Since then, families have adopted this concept and have marked April 12 as the day they would put aside distractions and spend at least 30 minutes of their day reading together.
Needs a Home: Peanuts and Sarah | Susan Johnson Lynch, Painesville
Written by a former veterinarian technician and die-hard advocate for pet adoption across the United States, Cleveland Area-native Susan Johnson Lynch releases Needs a Home: Peanuts and Sarah in hopes of highlighting the importance of caring for all creatures in what’s being called “a pair of sweet animal rescue stories that touch upon the joy, hard work, and even sorrows of loving and caring for animals.”
The story of Peanuts takes front-row-and-center, as a Shetland pony finds a “forever home” with a little girl, who wants nothing more than to love and care for him forever. This same little girl also adopts a Dorset sheep, named Sarah, at a time when the pair needed to be loved the most.
Abandoned by their former owners, they embark on wonderful new adventures, and Jayne (the little girl) finds out what it means to truly love and care for these animals.
According to the publisher, “The trio embarks on wonderful adventures, as the little girl gets to know and experience, firsthand, what it truly means to take good care of these animals. But life can’t be all about rainbows and silver linings. Animal care has its fair share of hardships and obstacles.”
Needs a Home: Peanuts and Sarah can be purchased at bookstores across the country, through the Apple iTunes store, on Amazon, Google Play, or BarnesandNoble.com.
What’s in the Bottle? | Darlene Johnson Cargill, Orange Village
A young girl learns to identify her emotions and navigate “big feelings” in Cargill’s new book, What’s in the Bottle.
Here, Cargill takes a gentle stance in reminding families that patience and strategy are key tools in effectively handling the many emotions we will encounter during our lifetime. It explains the importance of reflecting on one’s issues, not acting hastily, and embracing the lessons one is taught through everyday living. https://www.youtube.com/embed/UYuY3pOKQVg?enablejsapi=1&version=3&playerapiid=ytplayer
The author writes that “When it comes to feelings, children everywhere may find it difficult to identify their true feelings. This story uses a metaphor, a beautifully gifted bottle, to assist Kendra, a young girl who tells her mother sometimes she feels like ‘a bottle with a cork in it.’ Together, with the help of her mom, the young girl begins to identify her true feelings.”
What’s in the Bottle? has also found a home at bookstores, nationwide, or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon, Google Play, or Barnes and Noble.
Jade Heard It All | Jade Owens, Cleveland
Jade Owens, a second-grader at Apex Academy, published her first children’s book, celebrating the hearing impaired and spreading the message that “It’s okay to be different.” Her experience with Bilateral Sensorineural Hearing Loss has led her to see life quite differently than most girls her age.
At just eight years old, this young lady proves to be wise beyond her years. Sharing her own experiences, Jade is sending a positive message across the world and rocking a pair of hot pink hearing aids, while she does it!
This book can be found at JadeHeardItAll.com, where readers will receive an autographed book and anti-bullying bookmark, and on Amazon, where children can download it to their Kindle Book Reader.