Dear Internet: Father of the Net Speaks Up!
Previously Published to Talent Zoo’s Digital Pivot
Most likely fed up with the onslaught of garbage we see recycled over and over on social networks, the “Father of the Internet” releases a public service announcement…to the world. He appears to want to make change through the Internet, using it as a tool for improvement.
On a mobile app called “lettrs,” users connect to authentically express themselves in meaningful ways, engaging in letter-writing and gaining pen pals from all over the globe. With virtual utilization of stamps and calligraphy fonts, actual letter-writing is being emulated in the mobile space.
Within 170 countries, lettrs have already garnered 2 million downloads. Leaving lasting impressions, lettrs was awarded “Google Plays’ Best Android App of 2014,” and now, Vint Cerf, one of the founding fathers of the Internet, uses it to write his own!
“Rather than sounding the death knell for meaningful written correspondence, Internet technology has the power to enhance it,” Vint relays. Then he asks thought-provoking questions to get users thinking. “We are incredibly at the midway point in the second decade of the 21st century…How will the Internet evolve? What new technologies will come along to enhance, improve or even replace this vital infrastructure? How will the Internet or its successor(s) be used? How will the new Internet uses change our social and economic environment?”
He goes on to challenge everyone to think openly for a moment. Then he encourages them to follow through and detail their ideas directly to him via the lettrs platform. He claims he will feature his responses on his personal “fridge” of letters. Toward the end of the year, Cerf will be writing a second letter outlining some of the amazing insights from writers throughout the country. He wants to see positive change and believes this is one way to do it.
They say that if you want to commit to anything, you must write it down. Cerf is creating a global goal in initiating positive change and bridging gaps between technologies to do so. So many people talk the talk, but how many are actually doers? Vint thinks that he can create change. We should definitely join him in his mission!
If you could create change, would you? How would you create it? How will the net evolve, and what are you going to do to assist it? Share your idea below.